Everything depends on human effort. There is no such thing as an absolute double kill of long and short positions. It only kills those players who are full of stubbornness and greed. As long as you choose to stop, who can do anything to you? If you can advance and retreat in moderation, and choose to attack when in a defensive state, there will be no absolute defeat. There are thousands of winning skills, and it is definitely not based on going forward relentlessly. A short look back is also for better pursuit. Yesterday's ten rounds of market trading were not as well controlled as those of the market masters, but there were certain gains. I just say, say what you say, listen what you listen. Others' large space may not be real. It's true that I eat less #Meme浪潮持续,你看好哪一个? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #BTC能否站稳6W6 #Canary提交莱特币ETF申请