Last night, the US stock market fell across the board, but the rise of the US dollar index caused the rise of Bitcoin last night, which is a good thing, but it did not last long and fell back. But it is understandable.

From the National Day to now, it has risen by 9,050 US dollars from 58,900 to 67,950, but I personally think that this wave of rise has not ended. It will continue.

From the trend of Bitcoin;

The four-hour trend KDJ formed a golden cross, the long position continued to rise, and MACD was also rising and did not show any sign of falling back.

It is obvious that so many orders have not been closed.

The one-hour trend KDJ was going to form a dead cross downward, but the market was strong and chose to go up. Now that KDJ has made a choice, it depends on MACD.

I think it is still upward. If there is a fall back, remember to buy the bottom.

The trend of Ethereum is similar to Bitcoin, and it is long in the short term. #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #Meme浪潮持续,你看好哪一个? #美股财报季来袭 #Canary提交莱特币ETF申请