FLOKI/USDT: A Quick Analysis

Current Price and Trend

Price: The current price of FLOKI/USDT is

0.00015009 USDT.

Trend:The price has seen a slight increase of 0.84% in the past 24 hours.

Trading Volume and Volatility

24h Vol(FLOKI): The 24-hour trading volume for FLOKI is 451.56B.

24h Vol(USDT):** The 24-hour trading volume for USDT is 68.21M.

Support and Resistance Levels:

Support: 0.00014875

Resistance: 0.00015802

Based on the technical analysis, FLOKI/USDT is expected to continue its bullish trend in the short term. The price is likely to rise towards the resistance level of 0.00015802. However, if the price breaks below the support level of 0.00014875, the bullish trend could be reversed.

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