The buying price of H money on the trading platform is lower than the selling price. Theoretically, you can buy 1,000 USDT at 7.04 and sell 1,000 at 7.08, making a net profit of $40. You can arbitrage continuously. But the market is not stupid, and the interest rate spread has long been leveled. The reason for this is that the merchants who use legal currency to buy USDT (i.e., 7.08) have H money in them, so they are willing to buy USDT at a cost higher than the market price to get rid of the H money in their hands, and you become the helper of H money. In 2018 and before, the market was relatively normal. Later, various H money such as Dian Z wanted to go through the market. The uncle who is tracking H money is now stricter about this. If you encounter a card that H money flows through, it will be frozen to cooperate with the investigation.

The characteristics of H money are very similar to infectious diseases. It is highly contagious and latent. It cannot be seen on the surface, but it has two characteristics:

1. As long as this card receives H money, it will be infected and may be frozen. If this card is transferred to any card, it will infect the new card.

2. Before freezing, you don't know which card or money is problematic. You will only know after freezing, so it is somewhat difficult to guard against.

How to deal with H money when withdrawing cash?

1. When withdrawing cash, find merchants with large transaction volume, long registration time, and normal prices (selling price is lower than the market buying price). Don't be greedy for small bargains: generally, the transaction volume is more than 2,000, the registration time is more than one year, and the price is lower than the buying price. And the transaction volume is small, the registration time is less than one month, and the price of the top few is likely to have problems.

2. Use uncommon empty cards to collect money, and the amount of a single card should not be too much. Each card should only trade with one merchant as much as possible, and the account should be isolated for 1-3 months. After it is not frozen, it will be transferred to the main card. Because we don't know which merchant has a problem, it is purely a probability, so we must reduce the loss caused by freezing. With this isolation method, even if one card is frozen, it is not a big problem, just wait for it to be processed.

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