It is very simple to judge whether a coin will rise or not. There are mainly two points: 1. Will the dealer pull the price. 2. Will the leeks continue to take over. The dealer who can pull the price must be powerful. He does not care about the gains and losses of a city or a place, but pays more attention to making a big profit. Whether the leeks will take over depends mainly on whether the script of the story is continuous and whether there can be a sequel. The longer the script is broadcast, the longer the leeks will take over. If a project does not have a continuous script to attract people's attention and does not have a very powerful dealer, what are you waiting for? ? 99% of memes and 99% of inscriptions are like this. The dealer just wants to cheat some money and then stop. The script of the story can only be performed for three days. In addition to the dealer's own earnings, how much space is left for others? There are very few people who can make money in these few days in the script. If you get on board with this kind of project and want to make money, it is like pulling teeth from a tiger's mouth. So, when it comes to investment,

1. You have to invest in the kind of dealer who has the strength but has not yet made a move.

2. The script has not yet reached the climax, and the trailer has just been played.

Ambush in advance, and when the script reaches the climax, you can give your chips to those viewers who are addicted to watching.

3. Or you have to have the ability to get all kinds of cheap chips for free through means such as haircuts and promotions.

4. If you can't do the above, just buy the most reliable things steadily, and follow the overall market trend. You won't lose money.

I have seen many people who buy a coin and think about making a big profit in a few hours. They can't even wait for a few days. In the long run, even in a bull market, this mentality will actually lead to losses.

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