Many friends asked what they should do when the bank sent them a text message notifying them that their bank card was under risk control. Many people dare not deal with it, wondering what unscrupulous things you have done that even the bank’s risk control dare not resolve.

There are several situations for non-counter trading. You must first understand why you are being non-counter trading before you can have a solution.

Non-counter means suspension of non-counter transactions, which means that the bank's data model has discovered your abnormal behavior and it has been screened out by big data. They will not check you. China has 345426000000 billion bank card transactions a year, about one billion transactions a day. Banks have a very complex anti-money laundering algorithm, and hundreds of thousands of transactions may trigger the algorithm's alarm every day.

These hundreds of thousands of transactions will be reported, but most of them are just reported. It is impossible and unrealistic to check each one, and most of these hundreds of thousands of transactions are legal.

So what actions of yours will trigger the bank’s risk control system?

●Every day, dozens of people from all over the country transfer money to you, and after you receive it, you transfer it out again.

(Decentralized transfer-in triggered by payment card, centralized transfer-out risk control)

●You received a large remittance and transferred it to dozens of people in different parts of the country within a few minutes.

(Payment cards trigger centralized transfer-in, decentralized transfer-out risk control)

●You are afraid of the card being frozen, so you send a red envelope to test the card before every payment.

(A small amount is used to test risk control before triggering a large transaction)

●Recharge online gambling and purchase virtual currency.

(You will be warned if the other party's account is at risk of being involved in a case)

●Three days after receiving judicial stop payment of unknown funds

(Bank High Risk List)

●The competent authority has information on 5 cards in your name on the investigation platform.

(Listed on the bank's high-risk list)

● Frequent large-amount cash withdrawals (such as evening withdrawals)

●Frequent fast in and out.


All of the above behaviors can trigger bank card risk control and lead to direct non-counter transactions. Because bank staff are too busy to deal with the issues, they will directly put you under risk control and suspend non-counter transactions. So one day you find that you can’t make transactions with your card and you are at a loss. You search on Baidu and Zhihu, but all you see is that you can lift the risk control by taking your bank transaction records to the bank.

If I can explain my bank account flow clearly, will the bank still provide me with risk control?

Is it still a non-counter if it can be explained clearly with a transaction record?

The purpose of non-counter banking is to control your risk. As long as you can provide normal reasons, eliminate your suspicion and make the bank staff believe that you are a good person with a legitimate job, a good citizen with net assets, and believe that you are not doing bad things, then the risk control will naturally be lifted.

How to solve it? You need to prepare your materials.

The materials include a description of the situation (the most important). If you tell people once and they don't remember it, you have to tell them again when you change staff. The most efficient way is documentation.

You must have a formal job (your own business, individual business, etc.), home address, and identity information.

Make others believe that you are a good person, and you must explain your transaction details reasonably. Never lie. People have ten thousand ways to verify your real transaction details. I used to tell them directly that I was trading in cryptocurrencies.

Is it illegal to speculate in cryptocurrencies?

It's not illegal, just watch carefully.

But when you receive a call from the bank, you get scared, wondering if you will be caught. You act timidly and look like someone who has done something bad. The bank teller will judge whether you are rich or a normal person by looking at your temperament and assets.

So in many cases, if you are timid and don't have much money in your card, or if you have a lot of money, when you go to lift risk control, the bank staff will not allow you to withdraw money or process other services. They will try to put you off by saying something like "the head office has total control over total management" and will impatiently tell you to go to the anti-fraud center to get a stamp.

A bank is a commercial institution and it does not have the authority to freeze your bank card or prevent you from withdrawing money. There is a BUG here, a super big BUG. Bank staff have no right to view your transaction information without your authorization.

The balance on the customer card and the details of current transactions are at a privacy level and cannot be viewed by any person alone. If you need to view them, you must be authorized by a high-level person.

Therefore, when your card is abnormal, it must be the transaction abnormality, but the bank staff directly put you under risk control without doing due diligence. This procedure is wrong, and this is the first BUG.

Why does he dare to provide you with risk control? Because he has looked at your financial transactions privately. This is the second violation, the second BUG.


The word "should" here means "must", which is also called due diligence. If he directly gives you control without conducting due diligence, it is also a violation.

So, when he wants to deceive you or mess around, you have to fight back. How to fight back? You must first get evidence that he has privately checked your bank account. For example, when he is doing due diligence, he asks you about a certain amount of money. This can prove that he has privately checked your bank account.

But experienced bank staff will tell you this: come to the bank to get a bank statement and see if there is anything unusual. This is their way of cracking the problem. If you enter the password yourself and print the bank statement, it means you have authorized it.

So you need to use your wits and courage. I don't know what's abnormal about my bank transactions, and you tell me what's abnormal about my bank transactions. If he takes out the bank transaction slip and asks you to explain the transaction, then he is breaking the law.

Sometimes the branch manager or risk control manager is very powerful. He may be unhappy with you and ignore you, and directly ask you to go to the anti-fraud center to get a stamp. Many people don’t understand and run to the anti-fraud center foolishly, but they can’t even get in the door because the anti-fraud center does not accept private business. This is the bank passing the buck.

The process for the Anti-Fraud Center to stamp the form is: you ask the bank to issue the (Fraud Risk Account Review Form). This is issued by the bank and must be issued to you, but it will not be given to you. Instead, the bank’s anti-fraud staff will send it to the Anti-Fraud Center in a public-to-public manner or deliver it to your door.


The bank staff will take the form and take you to the uncle at the anti-fraud center. After checking your bank transactions and taking notes, the uncle will make a recommendation to lift the control or not, with a signature and seal.

The bank can lift the control on you with this stamped and approved (Fraud Risk Account Review Form). Therefore, if the non-counter access is just because your bank card transactions are abnormal, or the card has been unfrozen, it will be easy to lift the control if the bank gives you a non-counter access again.

What is a freezing instrument number? How do I get it?

Why do we need this document number? Professionals can tell the nature of your case, the reason for the freeze, the motive, and the department by looking at this number. So with this number, the nature of the case can be quickly determined.

The professional term for inquiring freezing documents in the banking system is "assisting the competent authorities in freezing the deduction register". In 2014, the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the Ministry of Public Security (Regulations on Banking Financial Institutions Assisting the People's Procuratorate, Public Security Organs and State Security Organs in Inquiring about Freezing) Article 25 stipulates: "After assisting the public security organs in completing the freezing procedures, banking financial institutions shall inform the individuals of the freezing of their accounts when they inquire. If the frozen individuals have objections to the freezing, banking financial institutions shall inform them to contact the public security organs that made the freezing decision."

Do you see clearly? This is a law and regulation, which means that banks must have this thing, and they must also tell you that this registration book contains the name of the freezing agency, the person in charge, the transaction flow involved (amount), and the freezing document number.

But some people just can't get it. The bank tellers either don't know about it or just act weird and refuse to give it to you. Many people are helpless. This is illegal and against regulations. You can report the bank's behavior in person.

What laws and regulations are it based on?

Notice of the People's Bank of China on the promulgation of (Regulations on the Management of Financial Institutions Assisting in Inquiry, Freezing and Deduction)  Yinfa [2002] No. 1 document.


Really, some bank staff won't tell you, always treating you like a suspect of a crime, and looking down on you. For such people, just point your phone at them and say: My bank card has been frozen by a foreign authority. I came to a certain bank to ask an employee (employee number 9527) to assist the authority in freezing the freezing document number in the deduction register. Are you sure the bank system doesn't have this? Or can't find it? Is your answer for yourself or for your bank?

Believe me, he doesn't dare to argue with you.


If the money is not renewed upon expiration, can it be withdrawn? Which law or regulation is this based on?


What should you do if your account is frozen by more than two competent authorities for the same amount? Especially in online gambling cases, many institutions have frozen operations on the same case, so you can follow this law and regulation.


The underlying logic of risk control is that your account has financial transactions with the fraudulent account. It's that simple. You bring information? What information? Who will risk control you if there is no problem with your account? If there is an accidental injury, it will not be you.

There must be something dirty in your account, and you brought dirty information? So, the process and the facts that people told you are different.

After being controlled, the head office will issue it to branches and outlets (a list of direct control models for the card-cutting operation). If you are lucky enough to escape and are not controlled by the head office, you will be subject to due diligence by the account manager of the outlet on the list. The more responsible ones will call you and ask: What do you do and what do you usually use the card for?

Many people will say something about buying gaming equipment, and my ears are sore from hearing it.

So, when people hear you say this, they will directly block you from the counter. In fact, you might as well say: It’s none of your business.

You seem to have some confidence when you say that. When you say you bought gaming equipment, it's like a kindergarten kid lying to the teacher and saying he can recite Jin Ping Mei fluently. You're not on the same level.

When you confidently say that it's none of your business, it's possible that your strong aura will make the account manager afraid to blame you. They will also analyze your transaction situation and make a decision on whether to control or not. There are many subjective judgments involved. What if you have a good relationship? Just stop there.

There is a BUG here. The bank is a commercial organization. The staff has no right to view your transaction information without your authorization. The balance on the customer card and the details of current transactions are at a privacy level. No one can view them alone. They must be authorized by a high-level person to view them. In the past, when your card was abnormal (not handled by the counter), if the account manager did not contact me and did not do due diligence, I could make trouble for him.

But causing trouble for him will not solve the problem, it will only tell him in disguise that I am not so easy to fool, so you have to be professional so that you won’t be taken advantage of.

Therefore, he has made control measures for you and you have to write a report, which must be reported on the same day (suspicious account verification list)

If you are subject to non-counter control, there is no need to call customer service. The most effective way is to go to the counter, take out your card and ID card and ask. This is the most direct way.

The bank will ask you to show your ID card and card, and verify it online. In special cases, the person in charge of the branch must make a decision. So you know why many people go to the counter and the uncle just presses their heads, right?


They will check whether you opened the account and used the card yourself, and also check whether you have any "criminal record" in the bank, that is, whether the historical problems have been resolved, or whether the card has been rented, sold or lent.

Finally, we will check the source and purpose of your recent fund transactions to see if you have any possibility of being defrauded or involved in fraud. Many friends will not do this because they cannot clearly explain the source.

For unclear suggestions, just reply: It’s none of your business. It’s much more useful than making up a lie.

Otherwise, you just need to prove that I am guilty, not me. You are in high spirits, don't be timid when you speak, they can't find any abnormalities for you, the person in charge can release you on the spot after reviewing and signing.

If any abnormality is discovered and cannot be resolved on the spot, the situation must be reported to the opening bank (institution) on the same day and you will be asked to go to the opening bank. This is the process, so the first time you go to inquire about the problem, you do not need to go to the opening bank, just find a branch counter.

They must tell you that in order to protect the safety of your funds, their account has been stopped and if there is really a problem, it will be handed over to the local anti-fraud center for further investigation. That is why when you go to the bank to close your account or handle business, the bank will ask you to go to the anti-fraud center to get a stamp.

What you have to do is understand their processes and reasons so that you can deal with various situations calmly without making a big fuss.

What should you do if your account manager doesn't like you? As mentioned before, a bank is a commercial institution. Its staff has no right to view your bank account information without your authorization. The balance on your card and the details of current transactions are private. They have work rules and disciplines. When checking your account risks, they are not allowed to disclose any of your information or use it for other purposes. Your information must be kept confidential. If they print out your bank account information without your authorization, it is a violation.

You can also control him in many places. The key is to negotiate a situation where he doesn't care about you. Just cooperate with the normal working procedures.

What they fear is public opinion, so they can only tell you to protect the safety of your account funds, but they dare not mess around with your salary card, loan repayment card and medical insurance card, and you must be cautious. So if your legal rights are infringed, just point the camera of your mobile phone at them, and they will not dare to speak nonsense or confront you.

Respect each other. What this article means is that many bank account managers have a condescending attitude and do not respect customers, so you can control him.

Of course, there is another situation that after the off-site freeze on your bank card is lifted, some banks will still have their own risk control and will not let you use it normally, especially will not let you withdraw money.

There are two ways to solve this problem. The first is to ask him to submit the account review form involved in the case to the anti-fraud center. The second is to directly file a complaint with the bank. The laws and regulations are as follows:

Commercial banks and their customers are equal civil subjects. According to Article 29 of the Commercial Bank Law, when commercial banks handle personal savings deposit business, they should abide by the principles of voluntary deposits, free withdrawals, interest-bearing deposits and confidentiality for depositors.

The bank has no right to restrict your right to voluntarily deposit money and freely withdraw money unless it cooperates with the national judicial department or competent authorities for law enforcement assistance. Moreover, the freeze imposed by the relevant judicial authorities has been lifted, and no case has been filed for investigation, nor has any control measures been taken on your bank account.

A certain bank has illegally restricted your withdrawal of funds when there is no judicial freezing restriction on your account. This is tantamount to further harassing you and exceeds the bottom line prescribed by the law.

The judicial authorities have ruled out any suspicion of involvement in the case and unfrozen the bank cards. The bank has no reason or legal basis to impose any restrictions. Therefore, the bank has illegally restricted citizens' property and the freedom to withdraw money, which is a serious violation of the law.

Because only the judicial organs have the right to freeze citizens' property, and banks do not have the right to limit your fund withdrawal indefinitely. Have you learned nothing? #内容挖矿 #BTC #BNB #DOGE