Knowing that the use of #AiNarratives in today's technology can not be overemphasized, in the Crypto space, the connection of Humans with AI is an interesting collaboration, as projects like #AutonomysNetwork bring products that solve the three major problems in blockchain technology.

In clear terms, Autonomys set up a decentralized infrastructure to secure sovereign collaboration between humans and AI. This means, there is complete empowerment as an active builder of your future using readily available tools through the power of Autonomys Network.

Autonomys and Its Subspace Protocol

Blockchain technology has three major problems which are; Scalability, Security, and Decentralization, and through Subspace protocol, these trilemma were solved.

The Subspace Protocol model is a combining power of advanced cryptographic techniques, a novel consensus algorithm, joined with a unique data storage system. All come together to form a stronghold component working together to make the network remain scalable, secure, and at the same time decentralized.

Building trust in a decentralized market might be another issue this is where the first product of Autonomys comes into play.

Auto ID: This product builds trust as it provides a secure framework for authenticating content and delegating authority. This process creates open interaction between humans and AI and makes the deliverable transparent and trustworthy.

What do you think of pledging the free disk space of your computer to Autonomys in other to earn rewards?

Auto Peer App: Downloading this product allows users to earn rewards as they pledge their free disk space on their computer. Auto Coin is the utility token of the network and it operates entirely virtually using secure, distributed blockchain technology.

In a decentralized finance system, features like staking to earn passively is one of the features #DefiMonДy experts don't joke with, and uniquely, staking of Auto Coin is a mandatory factor on the network if you want to become an operator, however, there is also a nomination arrangement.

Working Principle Of Auto Coin

All operators enjoy an increase in their chances of execution and production of blocks, however, as a holder of Auto Coin you have the right to nominate operators on the network.

Additionally, the higher the volume of the pool, the more likely it is to produce a higher bundle and get a reward for it. You as operators can attract as many nominators but not more than 256 which therefore increases your staking pool for more rewards.

Learn more about Autonomys Network by visiting: