$BTC Look at the monthly level of the big cake,

In my opinion, there is a feeling that it will explode at any time!

The curse of one yin and one yang at the monthly level,

It is likely to be broken this month!

There are still 23 days before the election!

I personally think that the big market is not far away!

I wonder what you think?

Of course the air force is bearish!

This market is a game of longs and shorts,

It is normal to have different opinions!


#Meme浪潮持续,你看好哪一个? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #BTC能否站稳6W4 #meme超级周期 #PeterTodd否认自己是中本聪

The above content only represents personal opinions and does not constitute any investment advice!