One-button permission caused a $35 million in crypto loss

A new one has been added to the significantly increasing phishing/trap link attacks, especially in 2023, and an account lost 35 million dollars. It is not known which person or company belongs to the account that allows the hacker to take over the wallet control with one click.

According to the information given by the Scam Sniffer platform, which is known for its attempt to prevent frauds on cryptocurrencies and especially fishing/trap link attacks, an account lost 35 million dollars as a result of a historical mistake.

In the incident that happened tonight, the account that pressed the trap signature button allowed the hacker to take over the wallet control. 15079 fwDETH seized account tokens immediately sold. After the sale of fwDETHs, the DETH price also fell by more than 90%.

It is stated that PAC Finance and Orbit Finance protocols, which contain fwDETH intensively, may also have serious problems due to this situation.

It is not known which company or person the lost account belongs to, but it is thought to belong to the Continue Fund, which invests in blockchain and DeFi projects. No statement has been made by the company yet.