Here’s how some sellers trick unsuspecting buyers using clever tactics#scammeralert . It starts with an enticing ad—offering USDT at a significantly lower rate, but only for a small quantity. Tempted by the low price, many buyers quickly place orders. After the payment is made, the seller releases the asset to complete the first trade smoothly, gaining the buyer’s trust.

Then, the scam kicks in. The seller sends a message, inviting the buyer to purchase more USDT at the same attractive rate, but only through private channels like Telegram or WhatsApp. To avoid “Binance fees,” the seller claims the next transaction must be processed directly through their bank account. Some buyers, unaware of the potential scam, make the payment. The moment the payment is confirmed, the seller vanishes—blocking all contact.

💥 Important Lessons:

1️⃣ Never use third-party messaging apps to continue P2P transactions.

2️⃣ Once you’ve paid, avoid canceling orders on the Binance platform.

3️⃣ Don’t send payments to personal accounts outside Binance—such transactions are not protected.

📌 Reminder: Binance can’t assist with disputes for payments made off-platform. Stay vigilant and trade securely within the platform to avoid falling victim to such scams!


#scammeralert #scammers. #Write2Earn!