10,000u in 30 days, challenge 200,000u, currently 192540u. (Day 25) First order

This order earned 4136u

As the saying goes: "The early bird catches the worm!" I got up early today. I placed a long order before going to bed last night, and I dreamed about this order all night. I opened my eyes early and opened my phone to take a look. Wow! I made a lot of money, so I closed the position quickly! It seems that this saying is true, getting up early is catching the worm!

Long position opened at 62151-62978, and the position was closed at more than 800 points

Opportunities are always given to those who can discover it early and have a keen insight into it. Any opportunity for success will often only favor those who have foresight and can accurately capture it when it first appears. #Meme浪潮持续,你看好哪一个? #9月美国CPI实现6连降 #美国9月PPI年率高于预期 #美国9月PPI年率高于预期 $ETH