Brothers, hello everyone, I am trader Zhu Yici, today I will talk to you about the coin $LISTA , let me first tell you my recent story with it, actually I recommended it to my friend @Eric SJ some time ago, I forgot the reason he gave me at that time, but I remember that I wanted to increase my position in CATI, I have posted this in the square and you brothers also know it.

I just read his latest research report on LISTA published on the Square. I seem to remember that it said that its performance among new coins is relatively good. I borrowed his data and it is indeed true. LISTA has not fallen as hard among all new coins. Many friends may say: Isn’t it still falling?

But I think this is just picking the tallest among the short ones. In the past six months, which new coin has not fallen? For friends who hoard spot in the medium and long term, I think the second level is now hellish.

The current market value of LISTA is indeed relatively small, and the downward decline is limited. As for why we should look at new coins, on the one hand, the mainstream market consciousness of "speculating on new rather than old" is not without reason, and on the other hand, the locked-in position of new coins is not like that of other old coins. Do you want to buy coins like EOS and DOT now? They have not had any decent rebound in this cycle, even worse than Ethereum.

Of course, I am only speaking from a logical and practical perspective. I also think that the current secondary opportunities are not in these coins with a market value of hundreds of millions of yuan when they are launched. To put it bluntly, these coins are just empty words, without any value or application. How can they be worth hundreds of millions of yuan when they are launched? Some of them were even just PPTs at the beginning. In fact, this is not the first time that LISTA has held activities in the square. I also participated in the last event. At least in terms of product iteration and marketing, it can be seen that they have been working hard.

As for others, such as OMNI, SAGA and PORTAL, they are simply not worth watching. Not only are their trends worrying, but their product advancement is also slow. Then I will introduce LISTA's latest product to you. I read its article description and it is actually easy to understand. Let me give you a simple example:

(1) If we apply for a loan (on-chain lending), we need to mortgage our house (BNB). However, after the mortgage, we cannot rent out the house to earn rent (Launchpool reward).

(2) However, the clisBNB launched by LISTA is equivalent to issuing a certificate for our mortgaged house (BNB), and we can still use this certificate to obtain rent (Launchpool reward).

Although this example is a bit rough, please don't pick on the words. I just hope that this rough example will help you understand this product. In general, while you are lending on the BNB chain, the pledged BNB can still get Launchpool rewards. However, it should be noted that only when BNB is used in the lending product service provided by Lista can this certificate be generated. I think this is quite interesting. In fact, there is also a pledge loan function in the Binance exchange. Brothers who have used it must know that after the pledge, the pledged asset loses liquidity. BNB, as a golden shovel, can still get new coin mining rewards in each period while pledging and borrowing coins, although it cannot continue to sell clisBNB.

I think this is an on-chain Defi innovation that is unique to BNB. It can also be said that #ListaDAO将Launchpool收益引入DeFi This is my interpretation of LISTA and its latest products. I hope it can serve as a reference to help you brothers.