In these 11 years, he seized three investment opportunities, one was to invest in Chinese real estate; the other was #2008年次貸危機後低價買進美國灣區房地產 ; the third was to invest in #比特幣 in 2016. Coupled with using his retirement account to invest in technology stocks and #大盤指數ETF , he achieved his goal of financial freedom.

He made such an investment layout all because of the "#會走路的錢 " theory he invented.

Target investments at young people because #年輕人未來最有機會成為有錢人 .

Buy things they will need in the future and get rich as the value of those things increases. $BTC

▍In the book Walking Money, Bei Ban uses his own investment experience to provide practical investment methods, including:

1. Everyone can save one-third of their income.

2. It is important to understand your own investment attributes. If you are lazy, you can invest in ETFs regularly every month. If you are diligent, you can invest in real estate and enjoy the advantages of low interest and high leverage operations.

3. Don’t forget about new investment opportunities, such as Bitcoin, which many smart young people invest in.