Huang Xiaoming, 46, is still enjoying the charm of playing the overbearing CEO in idol dramas, but the public's patience seems to have run out. An ordinary official announcement has once again put the movie star at the center of public opinion because of his internet celebrity girlfriend.


Official announcement controversy: From idol drama to real life


In late September, Huang Xiaoming announced the news of his new relationship, with the words "Don't guess", as if he was eager to cover up everything. However, the public seemed to have no interest in this, and even said "who cares?" Such a cold reaction undoubtedly made Huang Xiaoming's official announcement seem particularly embarrassing. Despite this, Huang Xiaoming's domineering personality remains unshakable. When his new girlfriend came to him to ask for an explanation for something, Huang Xiaoming lost no time in throwing out a sentence "Don't do it, I'll do it", as if he, in his 50s, can still easily handle the plot of a hero saving a beautiful woman.


Ye Ke: The new favorite of socialite and internet celebrity


Huang Xiaoming's new girlfriend Ye Ke not only looks a bit like Huang Xiaoming's ex-wife Angelababy, but also has a strong aura of a socialite and internet celebrity. Her appearance not only makes Huang Xiaoming's image a bit greasy, but also makes her a target of public criticism. Netizens have ridiculed her and called her a representative of the "socialite training class", which has further spawned a new online buzzword - "Kexue".


"Ke Xue": The rise and ridicule of internet celebrities


Following "Late Learning" and "Ice Learning", "Ke Learning" quickly became the hottest topic of ridicule. The so-called "Ke Learning" is actually a satire on Ye Ke and other internet celebrities. They appear in a standardized image of celebrities, with uniform high skulls, pointed chins, long curly hair, big eyes, slender limbs and pale skin, almost like model dolls produced on an assembly line. Ye Ke's live broadcast room has become a typical display place for "Ke Learning". From her funny performance in the (eating cake) course to her frequent sweet words of "I love your husband" in the live broadcast, all of them have become the object of ridicule by netizens.


Classic courseware: From (eating cake) to (micro-do)


There are countless classic lessons in "Ke Xue". Take "Eating Cake" as an example. When Ye Ke was promoting Basque cake in the live broadcast room, she mistakenly applied the terminology of red wine tasting to desserts, resulting in a series of funny descriptions: "What is the difference between light milk aroma and milk aroma? What flavor can rush to the palate?" This video quickly triggered an imitation contest on Douyin and Xiaohongshu, and bloggers imitated her tone and expression, creating countless jokes.


Another classic courseware is (micro-do). In the live broadcast room, when some netizens teased Ye Ke about her plastic surgery, Ye Ke confidently replied: "Micro-do, but really not much. I am not a tech person from head to toe, 40% tech." This sentence instantly became a golden sentence for netizens to complain about, further deepening her "textbook" status in "Kexue".


Background Revealed: Ye Ke’s True Identity and Wealth


On the surface, Ye Ke presents the image of a successful female entrepreneur, owning multiple high-end brands and luxury assets. However, after a closer look at her background, it was found that there were many illogicalities in Ye Ke's resume. She claimed to have graduated from the Broadcasting and Hosting Department of Shenzhen University, but according to radio and television data, the editing and directing major of the School of Foreign Languages ​​of Shenzhen University was not established until 1998, which means that her academic qualifications are contradictory. Some netizens also pointed out that there are many doubts about her identity as a "second-generation Shenzhener", and there are even rumors that there may be proxy holdings behind her business.


Despite this, Ye Ke successfully established the image of a "rich woman" by showing off luxury cars, Hermès bags, customized Rolls-Royces and other high-end consumer goods on social media. However, this deliberate display of wealth and overly beautified image made her the target of public criticism.


The industry chain of socialite training classes revealed


Ye Ke is not an isolated case. The combination of many middle-aged male stars and young socialites and internet celebrities seems to have become a fixed pattern in the entertainment industry. From Aaron Kwok and Fang Yuan, Wang Feng and Sen Linbei, to Li Yapeng and Haiha Jinxi, these combinations all show the "successful" cases of middle-aged male stars getting a second spring by marrying into the "socialite training class".


The industry chain behind the socialite training classes is even more confusing. On the one hand, these women accumulate wealth through high-profit industries such as medical beauty and e-commerce. On the other hand, they attract the attention and investment of middle-aged male stars through their carefully packaged socialite images. This model not only brings career recovery to middle-aged male stars, but also provides socialites with a stable "financial sponsor" resource.


Social response: The conflict between female independence and socialite culture


The rise of "Kexue" has triggered widespread social discussion. On the one hand, women's economic independence and career achievements are widely advocated and become the goal pursued by modern women. However, socialites and Internet celebrities seem to be quietly eroding this concept through their overly beautified appearance and images of dependence on men. On the one hand, they show off their wealth and achievements, but on the other hand, they strengthen the stereotype that women are dependent on men through deliberately humble attitudes.


This contradiction has triggered resentment and anger among many women. They believe that socialite internet celebrities have misled ordinary women's understanding of independence and success by taking advantage of loopholes and enhancing their value as "living Barbie dolls". What's more, when faced with the impact of celebrity culture, some women feel inferior and confused, and don't know how to find a balance between pursuing independence and maintaining themselves.


Power and Choice: Celebrity Culture from Foucault's Perspective


French philosopher Foucault once proposed that power is not only exerted through coercion, but also guides individual choices through preset paths. When women voluntarily choose to become socialites and internet celebrities without being forced, and follow this preset path to success, it is actually a manifestation of the operation of power. They have invisibly accepted the society's definition of successful women, and in this way, they have further consolidated the male-dominated power structure.


Future Outlook: The Trend of Socialite Culture and Women’s Self-awareness


As the "Kexue" phenomenon continues to ferment, whether socialite culture will further affect young women's self-cognition and development path has become a question worthy of attention. How to find a balance between pursuing economic independence and maintaining self-dignity is an important challenge facing modern women.


The story of Huang Xiaoming and Ye Ke is perhaps just a microcosm of many similar cases in this era. With the progress of society and the awakening of women's consciousness, how to break the routine of socialite training classes and advocate a more real, independent and diverse female image may be a topic that needs to be solved in the future.