First, if the principal is less than 50,000, even if the return is doubled in a bull market, it will only increase by 50,000. Although the return seems to be as high as 100%, it is difficult to create a big wave.

Second, bull markets emerge as rapidly as bamboo shoots after a spring rain, but if you only have a few seeds, even if they grow into bamboos, it is difficult to form a dense forest.

Third, the imagined doubling of income may be negligible in reality. After all, if 50,000 yuan becomes 100,000 yuan, life will not change drastically.

Fourth, don’t be fooled by the percentage. A 100% return may sound great, but the actual amount of return may not even be enough to pay for a down payment on a house.

Fifth, the wealth legends in the bull market are often the stage for people with strong capital, and small players can only act as spectators at best.

Sixth, do you want to rely on the bull market to turn things around? In the absence of capital, that is nothing but an illusory pipe dream.

Seventh, when the bull market comes, some people are happy and some are worried. People with less capital may still fall into sorrow after a short period of joy.

Eighth, don’t always focus on the rate of return. The principal is the key factor that determines how far you can go in the bull market.

Ninth, the bull market is like the tide, it rises quickly and recedes quickly. People with little capital may find it difficult to catch even the tail of the tide.

Tenth, in a bull market, a small amount of capital means a weak ability to resist risks. A small fluctuation may cause you to lose all your money. $BTC $ETH #加密市场反弹