TURBO/USDT price chart analysis

The current price of #TURBO/USDT is $0.008553, up 18.50% in the last 24 hours. The trading volume for TURBO is 10.04B, and USDT’s is 83.70M. The 7-day moving average (MA) is 0.007303, and the 25-day MA is 0.006265, indicating a short-term uptrend. There's no available data for the 99-day MA. A Binance market update from September 17th may offer insight into this price movement.

The price increase suggests a bullish short-term trend, supported by the 7-day MA being above the 25-day MA. However, with no 99-day MA, the longer-term trend is unclear.

Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Investors should do thorough research before making any decisions.

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