This indicator is one of the indicators that the dealer is most afraid of you knowing! ! !

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Zhengti Kaijiang Volume Indicator:

Volume is actually the trading volume we often talk about. What does trading volume represent?

Trading volume represents the number of our transactions and it also represents strength. The trading volume we see is red and green. That is because the color of the trading volume is consistent with the color of the corresponding K-line above. If the upper line is a positive line, the corresponding volume column is green, and the corresponding price rises. Similarly, if the corresponding K-line above is a negative line, the corresponding volume column color is red, and the corresponding price above is falling.

"But in our actual market viewing, the trading volume does not look at the color, but only at the high and low. And the higher the volume column, the stronger the power, on the contrary, the lower the volume column, the weaker the power." (Remember this sentence) I have a small wish that if the fans are more than 1,000, I can start a live broadcast on Binance, I can start a live broadcast with everyone in real trading, and I can talk about naked K

Trading volume is the result of the number and power of buying and selling transactions. We divide it into large volume, continuous large volume, double volume, shrinking volume, and continuous shrinking volume. Shrinking volume means that the number of buy and sell transactions gradually decreases and the power weakens during the decline or rise. Similarly, large volume means that the number of buy and sell transactions gradually increases and the power increases during the decline or rise. Double volume means that it is twice or more than the number and power of the previous buy and sell. Continuous large volume and continuous shrinking volume refer to the continuous appearance of large volume and shrinking volume for three or more times.

The picture I drew below is about: "Shrinking volume rise, large volume rise, shrinking volume fall, large volume fall" You can save the picture and use it for reference.

[Do you like this kind of technical dry goods sharing? If you like it, you can leave a like in the comment area. I will spend some time to write more technical articles next, a tutorial on naked K line drawing to find point support, and finally follow me to help me achieve the small goal of 1k fans, conduct technical analysis every day, and leave a message in the comment area if you need to analyze the altcoin] #BTC走势分析