According to official news from ChainCatcher, seven major projects including Alaya AI and Codexfield have launched the BNB Chain Adventure on Telegram event. The project has jointly organized the community event "BNB Chain Adventure on Telegram" with seven popular projects in the BNB Chain or Telegram ecosystem, including TapCoins, Orbiter Finance, REVOX, Burve, Solv Protocol, and 4EVERLAND.

The event rewards include project points, memecoin, etc., with a total value of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Participants only need to complete simple tasks, such as joining the Telegram group, forwarding event information, etc., to win generous prizes.

This event aims to deepen the community interaction between BNB Chain and Telegram and bring more benefits to users.

The event will be held from 19:00 UTC+8 on October 11 to 23:59 UTC+8 on October 27

It is reported that Alaya AI is an open, composable Web3 data sampling and automatic labeling AI infrastructure supported by a distributed community; CodexField is the first social wallet on Telegram that supports multi-chain dApp access, transactions and digital asset sharing.