Boring weekend volatility time. Generally speaking, on weekends with a lack of liquidity, both bulls and bears do not have much trading sentiment.

From the 15-minute chart, the bottom is rising all the time. If the trend of the weekend before the carving of the boat is the same, it means that a needle will start to fall. But trading has never been done by carving the boat to find the sword. The downward pressure here has not been completely removed. My opinion is still to wait and beware of the needle and destroy the upward trend of the 15-minute level low point. It may go to 62400-61600 or even lower. For those who hold the long view, they can reduce their positions and continue to bet on the breakthrough. It doesn’t matter, but you must not chase the long at this position. It will be more stable if it can break through the platform range of 64100 and then fall back. Before the breakthrough, the suppression is suppression, no doubt.

The 15-minute MACD is gradually diverging. Attention! Waiting is particularly critical in the current market.

Let's look at the 4-hour market. The downward pressure cannot be broken, and the volume over the weekend is also relatively weak. Fortunately, the MACD fast and slow lines are above the zero axis, but it is still not recommended to chase more. Wait for the right side opportunity, or the large level 57500 position. I never worry about missing out. I have been playing in the market for so long and there is really no lack of trading opportunities. The 4-hour market is even clearer that the 64100 area is the most critical resistance range.

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