$BTC 2000 RMB has quadrupled. From the historical cycle of Bitcoin, including the previous bull markets, this wave of Bitcoin halving bull market is really coming. I think Bitcoin has already ambushed a lot of chips at 59,000-63,000 over the weekend, ready to break through at any time. Now is the only chance to get on board. I made more than 1 million yuan from 5,000 RMB in the bull market last year, and SOL went from 11 yuan to 120 dollars. I have prepared all the bullets. Be ready to cover positions crazily at this position. The financial war between China and the United States, the recent explosion of A shares, and Trump's rising polls are all signs. Wall Street tycoons are ready to start pulling the market. Don't learn from the big blue, just look at the indicators and the recent international situation and the years of experience in the currency circle. This wave will only soar all the way up. There is no room for callback, no hindsight, getting up in the morning is more certain of the belief in my heart that the violent bull market is coming. It won't be more than 70,000 next week. I wash my hair upside down