Morgan Housel's book "The Psychology of Money" provides an in-depth psychological approach to money and life. The six core teachings are as follows:

1. Luck vs. Risk: Success often depends on luck, but hard work is equally important as risk taking. We are not always guaranteed results, so luck should also be considered.

2. Express Gratitude: Greed can lead to unhappiness despite having more wealth. We should learn to be content with sufficient resources, or we may take unnecessary risks.

3. Nothing is free: Everything in the world has value. Excessive greed can lead us to wrong decisions, so it is important to realize the true value of everything.

4. Value yourself more than material things: Increasing your self worth is more important than material things. People value our personality and qualities more than our things.

5. Put money to work: Don't just save, invest. Planned investments help to grow money.

6. Be independent: Time control is the ultimate success. When you can do what you want, that is true financial freedom.

These teachings are very effective in bringing financial success and peace of mind in our lives.

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