Current Price: 0.0030664 USD

24h High: 0.0032300 USD

24h Low: 0.0027679 USD

24h Volume (1MBABYDOGE): 22.46B

24h Volume (USDT): 67.10M

Change: +9.36%

Key Points:

Price Increase: The coin has experienced a significant price increase of 9.36% in the past 24 hours.

Trading Volume: Both 1MBABYDOGE and USDT volumes have seen substantial activity, suggesting a high level of trading interest.

Support: The price seems to have found support around the 0.002800 USDT level in the past. If the price retraces, this level could again act as a support.

Resistance: The 0.003200 USDT level might be considered a resistance level, as the price has struggled to break above it.

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