On October 12, 2024, the US presidential election is in full swing. The two candidates, Trump and Harris, are fighting to the death, which is dazzling. This election is simply a real-life version of "House of Cards"! Trump, an old man, has messed up international trade under the banner of "protecting the United States". Harris is a newcomer in the political arena and has proposed a policy of "opportunity economy" that sounds high-end. The latest polls show that the support rates of the two are actually comparable, at 48.7% and 47.9% respectively. This is good. Voters in swing states have become popular, and whoever can win them over will have the last laugh. As the saying goes, "there is no room for two tigers in one mountain", the policies of these two candidates can be said to be poles apart. Trump focuses on trade protection, while Harris emphasizes technological innovation. This election is not only about the future of the United States, but also affects the nerves of the world. Who will laugh to become the new owner of the White House?

The US election is really a good show! The two candidates, Trump and Harris, are two extremes. Trump, the old fox, shouted the slogan of "protecting America" ​​right from the start, making international trade a mess. His set of trade protectionist policies is really popular in some old industrial states. The latest data shows that in Ohio and Michigan, Trump's approval rating reached 52.3% and 51.8% respectively.

What about Harris? This newcomer in the political arena is no ordinary person. Her proposed "Opportunity Economy" policy sounds very impressive. It emphasizes innovation and inclusive growth, and also requires heavy investment in science and technology and education. In California and New York, her approval ratings are as high as 58.7% and 56.9% respectively.

The two debated head-on, and the scene was more exciting than a Hollywood blockbuster! Harris spoke eloquently and made every policy clear. Trump, on the other hand, was a little out of form and hesitated when answering questions. The audience's reaction was also very direct. According to the on-site poll, 65.2% of the audience thought Harris performed better.

Trump and Harris battle wits,

One protects the other shows off.

Voters are undecided.

Who will be the new owner of the White House?

Everyone is welcome to comment in the comments section. Who has a better chance of winning this election?

The impact of this election is not limited to the United States. Trump's "America First" approach has made international relations tense. He has withdrawn from several international organizations and agreements, and the United States' "circle of friends" is getting smaller and smaller. On the other hand, Harris advocates multilateral cooperation, which has relieved many international friends.

No matter who wins, they will have to face a thorny issue: how to balance domestic demands and international pressures. Trump may focus more on internal affairs, while Harris may focus more on external relations. These two completely different strategies have their reasons and risks.

The latest poll on October 12, 2024 shows that nationwide, Trump and Harris's support rates are 48.7% and 47.9% respectively, which is almost indistinguishable. This is interesting, the voters in the swing states have become popular, whoever can win these states will have the last laugh.

Speaking of the US election, let's talk about its impact on the global economy. Trump and Harris' economic policies are very different. Trump's main focus is trade protectionism, which may bring some benefits to the United States in the short term. For example, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, in the first three years of Trump's presidency, the number of manufacturing jobs increased by nearly 500,000.

This policy also has significant side effects. According to a report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), a trade war could lead to a loss of 0.5% of global GDP, equivalent to $430 billion. This is not a small amount!

Let's look at Harris's "Opportunity Economy" policy. She emphasizes technological innovation and investment in education, which sounds promising. According to the McKinsey Global Institute, by 2030, artificial intelligence could contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy. If Harris's policies can promote the development of the United States in this area, it will be a huge opportunity.

This policy also faces challenges. For example, how to ensure that the dividends of technological development can benefit everyone, rather than exacerbating the gap between the rich and the poor? This is a big problem.

Let's talk about foreign policy. Trump's "America First" strategy has made many countries nervous. He withdrew from many international agreements, including the Paris Climate Agreement and the Iran Nuclear Agreement, which is a big blow to global cooperation. On the other hand, Harris advocates a return to multilateralism, which may improve the international image of the United States.

No matter who comes to power, they have to face a reality: the United States' global influence is declining. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, only 17% of people in 23 surveyed countries believe that the United States is a world leader, a figure that was 47% ten years ago.

The result of this election not only concerns the United States, but also affects the world. It will affect the global economic structure, international relations, and even major issues such as climate change. Whether it is Trump's "America First" or Harris's "Global Vision", it will have a profound impact on the world. #9月美国CPI实现6连降 #加密市场反弹 #美联储会议纪要曝9月降息幅度有分歧 #BTC #ETH $BTC $ETH $BNB