In fact, regarding the future market, as the box oscillation time is prolonged, everyone has different opinions, and the differences are becoming more and more serious. There is no longer the bullish situation as in the first two months. However, I am still bullish on the future market. Let me talk to you about the specific reasons.

1/ The most intuitive way to find a sword by carving a boat: review the historical market

The time and trend of historical halving breakthroughs

In previous cyclical markets, the trend after halving was roughly the same, that is, every time Bitcoin was halved, it would always go through a consolidation period of about half a year, and then begin to break through and start a bull market.

In 2016, it broke through after 161 days of consolidation, opening the bull market
In 2020, the market broke through after 175 days of consolidation, opening the bull market
As of today, Bitcoin has been consolidating for 167 days in 2024, and has not yet broken through. The main reason is that when it broke through last time, it encountered a war between Iran and Israel, and then the market began to panic. The main force could only smash the market on the way to break through to obtain liquidity and gave up this opportunity. So what happens when these negative factors are digested? After the K-line is repaired, the main force and the bulls will continue to move in our direction, complete the breakthrough, and open a new chapter.

2/ Liquidity overflow in the big picture

The Federal Reserve has begun to cut interest rates and release more liquidity, so the harvested liquidity will flow back into the market. As an increasingly valued track, the crypto industry will receive more attention than ever before and will also receive more liquidity.

With the recovery of the domestic economy and the printing of money by the central bank, the central bank has started an unprecedented large-scale money printing. As we all know, there are many players in the domestic cryptocurrency circle. In this special period, the economy is bound to be greatly stimulated by the two-way money printing by the Federal Reserve and the domestic currency, and more people will flock to the cryptocurrency circle.

Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs were approved, and Bitcoin options were approved. As a track that has always been unrecognized, Bitcoin has ushered in its glorious moment this round. The SEC began to recognize Bitcoin and approved ETFs. Everyone can also see that in this round of market conditions, many ETF funds have become the catalyst for the bull market.

At the beginning of the US election cycle, Trump once again leads in the polls. As a former president who openly supports the crypto industry, Trump once again started his campaign in an extremely high-profile manner. After several assassination attempts, he gradually became the ideal presidential candidate in the hearts of the American people, and promised that if elected, he would use Bitcoin as a strategic reserve.

In any case, this market trend is something that only happens once every four years. I hope everyone can firmly believe in their own beliefs. In the next two weeks, Bitcoin is likely to break through 66,000 and start to accelerate, leading everyone to impact the bull market. Come on. $BTC