The time for BTC to launch a crypto bull market is getting closer and closer!

Sorting out the current situation:

Setting the tone of objective trend facts: The entire currency circle peaked in early March 2024 and completed the second peak in early June. Then the market came out of the local bear market, and it has been 4 months since then.

     This is also what everyone often talks about. Except for the price of Bitcoin (there was Ethereum before, but it is gone now), everything else is like a bear market: no innovation, no narrative, lack of liquidity, PVP inventory cuts in the market, and no hot spots in the circle to attract outside leeks to enter the market for interaction and take over.

     In a bear market, there are more declines than increases. The market trend is downward. Although the currency price has rebounded, it is lower than the previous wave. Most people are losing money, the rebound is not sustainable, and the operation is extremely difficult.

The current situation of market participants (retail investors): Most people are locked in at high positions. More than 90% of retail investors will return the money they earned from the trend from October 23 to March 24 to zero in the bear market of this half year of oscillating downward trend, or even go into debt. Currently, the active players in the market are basically a group of "leek elites", with 5% making money and 5% protecting their capital

The main funds in the currency circle also played like this at the beginning, collecting retail chips through various means, and making profits by circulating between absorbing and distributing chips. Some old currencies: such as XRP and LTC can see the shadow of such operations

     But in the current currency circle, except for BTC, I think most other currencies no longer have the concept of collecting chips. If this plate is broken, just change the plate. Because the difficulty of issuing coins is much less than the difficulty of listing stocks, the difficulty of concentrating on playing a plate to collect chips is much greater than the difficulty of starting a new plate again. This is the current situation in the currency circle

Big cake and the currency circle: At present, the biggest difference between big cake and the currency circle is that the composition of participating traders is different. The counterparty of the native currency circle is: institutions VS retail investors VS retail investors; and the counterparty of big cake is: retail investors VS institutions VS institutions. Big cake and the currency circle have long been separated and will gradually drift apart.