Contract speculation suitable for novices

For novices, this may be the key to open the door to wealth. Many friends are curious about contract operations and often ask me about the tricks. Today, I will share with you a basic framework of contract speculation suitable for novices summarized by a coin expert, hoping to provide some useful guidance and reference for friends who are new to this field.

1. Buy 20% first

2. If you buy the wrong one and lose 10%, stop loss immediately, and the amount of loss is 2% of the total position.

3. If you buy the right one and make a profit of 10%, immediately add 20%, then increase 10%, and then add 20%, and the last time directly add 40%, expand the victory, and then hold as long as there is no loss of 10%. Once it falls by 10%, immediately close the entire position.

The general central idea is like this, to minimize the risk, similar to the king of speculation Livermore.

Of course, this is just a rough framework, and there will definitely be many uncertainties in the specific implementation.

Because the market is changeable. I often use this method when I am doing a trade. Overall, the effect is good, but it is not 100% effective. It just reduces risk and increases profitability.

You must use the method when doing a contract, otherwise you will become a leek.