⚠️⚠️Pay attention to risk control! After the current Bitcoin price dropped to around 59,000, it began to rise strongly! It returned to the range of 60,500--63,500 that both the long and short forces can accept. The main reason why this range is currently a trading-intensive area is that the market believes that this price range is a price that both short and long positions will hesitate to buy, and it is most appropriate for the dealer to oscillate and wash the market in this range.

The next biggest news is whether Trump can win the election, and the Fed's interest rate cut will have a great impact on the market fluctuations in the currency circle. Therefore, in the next one or two months, grid trading is likely to be the best trading strategy.

Spot grid trading sets a good range and enters the market at a low point. There will be very good profits in one or two months. The greater the fluctuation, the more considerable the profit!

Today, Bitcoin rose very strongly, and the next market is likely to be range-bound, so traders who expect to rise or fall must consider the irregular oscillation and washing in the next period of time.

By reviewing the trend of Bitcoin in the past half month, the bulls and bears have basically been harvested. The next step is irregular shocks within a small range, which will of course be accompanied by pins. Therefore, grid trading is the most suitable. Friends who don’t understand grid trading can learn online or in Binance Academy. Learning to use trading software will definitely make you get twice the result with half the effort and reduce risks.