$TIA Popular strong coins

When the market takes off, you don’t know what coins to buy? Pay attention to Tia, its bands are very fierce, and it is very likely that it can double your money in a month. Both technology and fundamentals are bullish. Fundamentally, it belongs to a modular blockchain, and its market value ranks third, with a lot of room for growth. It is listed on 43 exchanges, so you can buy it with confidence!

Let me talk about its analysis: the bottom of the overall K-line pattern is higher than the other, and the bottom is rising. From the moving average, the trend is upward, bullish. The four-hour level Bollinger middle track is still flat, and it will continue to step back. This is your first chance to buy, bullish. The MACD below is about to cross the zero axis long-short watershed. Once the single fast and slow lines stand on the zero axis, you can wait for the step back to buy, bullish.

When the price falls below 5 yuan, enter slowly and boldly in batches. If it breaks through the high pressure of 5.744 4 hours ago and stands firm, it will open the upward channel. If you fall back to the range of 5 to 5.7 and build positions in batches, you can directly go up. #tia初试牛刀一刀必中否

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