Why don't A-shares have a copy trading model like the cryptocurrency market?

In essence, copy trading is an illegal operation.

It's just that the cryptocurrency market is not strictly regulated, and everyone can copy orders at will, while the trading rules and regulations of A-shares are more stringent.

First of all, the copy trading model itself provides convenience for market manipulation, insider trading and other illegal activities. You can imagine what would happen if everyone followed one person's strategy to copy orders?

It will make the market unbalanced, rigid market fairness and transparency.

With the intervention of supervision, the cryptocurrency market will also be subject to more and more supervision, and this model cannot be sustained.

Secondly, the cryptocurrency market and A-shares are completely different markets.

In the cryptocurrency market, we trade 24 hours a day throughout the year, while A-shares have time limits, and the market is closed on holidays, and various data are completely opaque.

If you choose to copy orders in A-shares, the dealer can cut your leeks at any time during the closing time.

In the cryptocurrency market, everything is transparent, how funds move, transaction records, etc. are transparent, and retail investors can react at any time to avoid risks.

Finally, investor cognition.

Investors in the stock market are more conservative. They tend to invest in cheap stocks rather than more valuable stocks during the investment process. They lack basic investment knowledge and care most about how much I made today. If they can make 100, they feel like they own the world.

Investors in the cryptocurrency circle are younger and have a higher risk appetite. They often have basic investment knowledge, but they lack the mentality. They are more willing to try new things and are full of hope for the future.

If a person in the cryptocurrency circle tells you that he made 200 yuan today, it would be embarrassing to say this.

The most important thing is the restrictions of laws and regulations. Others can be overcome by impulsive leeks, but legality cannot be overcome.
