In the field of cryptocurrency, Vitalik Buterin (commonly known as "V God"), the founder of Ethereum, has received increasing attention in recent years, especially in the economics community. Two well-known economists Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok recently mentioned in their podcast that considering the profound impact of Ethereum on monetary economics, V God should be a candidate for the Nobel Prize in Economics, and this proposal has sparked widespread discussion.


Since Vitalik Buterin proposed Ethereum in 2013, he has been committed to promoting innovation in blockchain technology. Ethereum, as the world's second largest cryptocurrency, is not only a cryptocurrency, but also a programmable blockchain that allows developers to build decentralized applications (DApps).

Many economists believe that Ethereum has promoted financial innovation on a global scale and provided a new economic architecture and operating model. For example, smart contracts on Ethereum allow both parties to execute complex financial agreements without intermediaries, reducing intermediary costs and greatly improving efficiency. In addition, the booming development of decentralized finance (DeFi) is also inseparable from the support of Ethereum. By eliminating the lengthy procedures in the traditional financial system, DeFi allows users around the world to enjoy borderless and permissionless financial services.

This decentralized nature breaks the limitations of the traditional financial system and provides new opportunities for people who are ignored by traditional financial institutions. Especially in emerging markets and underdeveloped countries, many people do not have access to banking services, and the decentralized financial system gives them new financial freedom through the innovation of Ethereum and cryptocurrency.

In addition to financial applications, Ethereum has also made great contributions to the theoretical level of monetary economics. The core of monetary economics is how to create, distribute and manage monetary systems, and Ethereum provides unique and innovative ideas in this field.

Ethereum has introduced new monetary policy tools through its token economics design. ETH (Ether) in the Ethereum network is not only the network's gas fee, but also the core value support of the network's economy. Through the "base fee burning" mechanism, part of ETH will be destroyed for each transaction on Ethereum, thereby reducing market supply. This burning mechanism makes ETH similar to a "deflationary currency", in stark contrast to the inflationary model of traditional legal currencies.

This mechanism not only changes the balance of supply and demand of ETH, but also provides economists with an unprecedented "laboratory" to study the impact of different monetary policies on the economy. ETH's deflation model provides a realistic application scenario for studying new monetary policies, and is highly transparent and traceable. This blockchain-based transparency and verifiability has greatly enhanced people's trust in cryptocurrencies and new financial systems.

Ethereum, founded by Vitalik, is not only a continuation of Bitcoin, but also a profound reshaping of monetary economics. Through smart contracts and decentralized finance, the traditional financial model can be reshaped through blockchain technology, and Ethereum provides a new perspective and possibility for the future of currency.


In response, Cowen pointed out that Vitalik's contribution to the field of cryptocurrency surpasses the achievements of many traditional economists. He created a new form of currency and challenged Mises' regression theorem in the process. This theory holds that the purchasing power of a currency is determined by its supply and demand, which is in turn influenced by the historical value of the currency. Therefore, Cowen said: "My God, what does Vitalik have to do to win the Nobel Prize?"

Cowen also emphasized that Vitalik's contribution to monetary economics is unmatched, and his insights have a significant impact on the development of current economic theory. As economist Frances Coppola said, "Vitamin has redefined the way of currency and value exchange through Ethereum. He is not just a programmer or developer, but also an economic thinker who allows us to see the possibilities of the future of the financial system."

In their discussion, Coven and Tabarrok also mentioned Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin. They believe that although Satoshi Nakamoto's contribution is undeniable, he is unlikely to receive the Nobel Prize due to the anonymity of his identity. Buterin, as a public identity, has a greater chance of receiving this honor.

Today, there are thousands of applications built on Ethereum around the world, including DeFi, NFT, DAO, etc. These applications have not only changed the traditional business model, but also provided more economic freedom and innovation opportunities for global users. Ethereum's influence will only grow over time. Therefore, although the nominations for this year's Nobel Prize in Economics have ended, Coven and Tabarrok's comments may lay the foundation for Vitalik's future nominations.

In general, Ethereum is more than just a technology. It represents the beginning of a new economic idea based on decentralization, transparency, and openness. In this rapidly changing era, Vitalik's story is not only a legend in the field of cryptocurrency, but also an important supplement to modern economics. His achievements deserve our attention, and we should look forward to the honors he may receive in the future.