Let me talk about the most basic things in the cryptocurrency world. Many cryptocurrency traders have not understood what I am talking about (this is the dry stuff, and the online tutorial selling this thing for 20,000 is ridiculous). I divide the cryptocurrency world into three parties, which can be divided into 90% cryptocurrency traders, 9% DeFi dividend parties (miners are also included in this), and 1% profit-taking parties. In my opinion, the cryptocurrency world can be regarded as a joint dividend party of institutions and profit-taking parties cutting off cryptocurrency traders.

If you join the cryptocurrency trading party with 5,000 yuan, you may spend 10 minutes to experience the contract and then it will be gone. If you join the dividend party, you don’t have enough money, so what should you choose?

Don't hesitate to join the Mao Mao Party immediately. Essentially, the Mao Mao Party and the Coin Speculation Party are not on the same track, but are just in the coin circle. So if you are asking how to make 1 million by speculating in coins with 5,000, then there is no answer in this article.

First, let's understand what web3 scalping is. In the cryptocurrency world, centralized exchanges are secondary markets (OKX, Binance, Huobi, CB), and all other tokens that are not listed on centralized exchanges are only traded on dex (decentralized exchanges). These are primary markets, so what are scalping? The official name of scalping is airdrops, which are for formal financing projects that have not yet been listed and are under construction. We are the 0-level market!

Here is another common sense, what is a formal financing project, because in the currency circle, you can issue a token by copying a line of code in 5 minutes, and then circulate and trade it on dex. This is what the currency circle calls a local dog project, and it is also jokingly called a group friend’s startup.

For regular projects, where does the money come from to build the project? It is definitely impossible for the project party to pay for it themselves, so they need to go to investment parties such as VCs to fool investors into raising funds. It is impossible for them to deceive with empty words or to launch a surprise attack, so they need data to prove to investors that, look, my project has xxx traffic, xxx popularity, and xxx on-chain data, and you will definitely not lose money if you invest xxx million.

So where does the project get its data?

This is the core of LuMao, being a slave to the project (we jokingly call ourselves web3 slaves), as long as the project gives a task, we can brush it to meet the requirements even if we die in front of the computer. When you brush the data it needs for the project, the project can raise funds from VC.

So how to realize it? You should know that the ultimate goal of the project party is definitely to make money. How do projects in the currency circle make money in the end? That is to issue coins, which are the tokens you see now, such as eth, bnb, ht, dydx, arb, hot op, etc. When a project wants to issue coins, it will take a snapshot of all the on-chain data related to the project, and then pay wages to the participating wallet addresses based on this data. Yes, in this sense, airdrop = salary. The project is going to be listed, and the people who participated in the project (here refers to your wallet, a wallet is equal to an employee) will be paid wages. In reality, it is RMB, which is the token of the project you participated in (generally speaking, the shares of VC and the project party are locked for a period of time, so the tokens in your hands are the first to circulate)

The project owner gets data and financing, the VC gets the original shares (token shares), and you get the airdrop reward. It's a win-win situation for all three parties, so who loses?

We must understand that for formal projects, they can definitely be traded on centralized exchanges.

So is the answer correct? It’s the participants in the secondary market! In the end, it was the cryptocurrency speculators who took over everything.

Now that you know what hair pulling is, what problem do you find from what you have seen above?

The answer is that the Mao party does not speculate in coins! At most, they will buy spot goods.

As long as you don’t speculate in cryptocurrencies or open contracts, you have already outperformed 90% of people in the cryptocurrency world.

Because the business of hair pulling has a certain entry threshold, but it does not require too much capital, so generally not many people will bring you into the industry, and there are many people who want to pull hair and get cheated.

Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of hair pulling now


1. Small investment.

It does not require much capital. The exchange is divided into test projects and main network projects. For the test project, the project party will give you a channel to receive test tokens. For the main network project, you only need to pay gas, which is the gas fee on the chain. Taking today's gas as an example, the bnb chain is 0.02u and the zks chain is 0.3u

2. Amazing returns

Maybe you will say that one person's salary is only 3,000, how can it be amazing? Then you have to remember that in the cryptocurrency world, a wallet is equal to a person. You are a web3 contractor, with no money and no time? Get 100 wallets!

3. Time freedom

24 hours a day, as long as the project party has not announced a snapshot, you can go to work whenever you want to refresh the data and be your own boss.

4. Examples. List the most recent airdrops to encourage you. 1u = 1 USD

arkm: 3000u–12000u per account (this airdrop was too hasty, causing many people to miss it)

ARB: 1500u-3000u per account, basically 10 accounts per person

op one number 1500u-3000u

Sui one number 1500u

These are all this year's projects, there are many more that I forgot


1. Long working hours

There are so many projects in the cryptocurrency circle. From selecting projects to deciding to follow up, and then to creating an account to do its tasks (that is, brushing its data), it may take a whole day from morning to night, repeating the same thing every day.

2. Long project time

It may take 2-3 years for a project to appear on Twitter and issue coins. During this period, it will not give you any rewards, which means that you will not have any income from this project during this period.

3. Project risks

If you follow a project for too long, its competitors may have been launched while your project is still under construction. In this case, your invested time and gas may be wasted and you may lose everything. Therefore, choosing a good project is the most important thing.

4. Witch

If you have ever used cheats in a game, you know that your account will definitely be blocked. The same is true for the game circle. For the project party, it hopes that real people will test its products. If you use 100 accounts to test it, it must be cheating. But those who understand will understand (dddd). The project party also knows that it is impossible to have so many real people, but in order to explain to all stakeholders, it has to block a large number of people who did not do isolation and really exchanged wallet addresses at a glance (not really blocking wallets, but blacklisting these witch addresses, and not giving you salary when airdrops are issued), so you must take anti-witch measures (don’t worry if you don’t have 10 wallets)

Famous quote from Lu Maoquan: Last year, you chose 100 wallets to exchange arb, and I chose 100 wallets to exchange xx (usually for myself, I regret it but I have already boarded the ship and cannot get off the shore). We all have a bright future.

So choose well

Back to the 5,000 yuan principal mentioned by the questioner, 5,000 yuan is more than enough for the purpose of playing with money. You can open 5 accounts with this money and become a beginner in playing with money. The following are the tools you need to use (5 accounts)

You need a computer, a VPN, 5 Twitter accounts, 5 DC accounts, and most importantly, patience.

Learn how to use the Little Fox on-chain wallet on Twitter, and then search for relevant Chinese kols in the cryptocurrency circle. Many kols have tutorials on how to mine. First, follow the free test network interactions (these are free) for about a month. I believe you already know what L1, L2, and cross-chain bridges are. After learning these, you should know what the most promising projects in the mining circle are. Then recharge 5,000 yuan to the exchange and exchange it for u, start recharging your 5 wallets, and start mining.

You must remember that making money by profiting from the cryptocurrency world!

Keep your hands off, don't speculate on local stocks, don't do contracts, don't look at the coins you bought, if you want to come to the cryptocurrency circle, just go and make money, exchanging your time for wages, this is also the real way to turn things around.

If you want to seize this bull market, it is definitely too late to learn and sell now.
It would be great if someone could get you started quickly.
I am Hongjie, welcome to communicate

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