Brothers, the conflict between Xiao Yizi and Zi is over, so will the market recover? Looking back from April to now, we have been on the road of adjustment. Now, whether the interest rate cut is implemented in October or the general election in November, there is not much time for institutions to clean up the market. After the interest rate cut, ETFs are also continuing to flow in. The major events in November and December are irreversible.

CZ participated in the Block Week in Dubai as an individual. Although the eldest brother has resigned as CEO, I personally think that the real helmsman of Binance is still CZ, but like a Xu star, he has moved from the tomb to the backstage. After returning home, CZ also said that he is very optimistic about the future development potential, and dozens or even thousands of times are possible.

The question is when will the adjustment end? This question is what everyone is paying attention to. Lao Liu talks about his own views. There is no need to wait for big bulls or black swans. The band is the most fragrant.

I won’t say too much. You can just read my previous articles. I never hindsight, and I predict and publish articles in advance. The coin friends who follow me know the joy of eating bands. Follow Lao Liu, a wave theory enthusiast! Escort for you! #热门话题 #9月美国CPI实现6连降 #特朗普当选概率上升 #币安LaunchpoolSCR $BTC $ETH $BNB