After the big cake inserted into the 59800 line at the low point in the early morning, it began to bottom out and rebound. It has rebounded 2000 points. The K line has returned to the range of yesterday's shock. So now Li Mingjie still does not recommend that you chase high. Yesterday, the impact here failed many times, so there is still a risk of high-rise and fall.

In the afternoon, from the current market, it has reached the high point of yesterday's center, so there is a high probability that it will be suppressed here. The short-term has begun to diverge from the 15-minute level, and the momentum of the rise is obviously insufficient. There is a risk of high-rise and fall at any time. The layout in the afternoon is still based on the retracement first, supplemented by low-multiple.

In the afternoon, Bitcoin is short around 61000+61200, with a focus on 60200; Ethereum is short around 2420, with a focus on 2380; $BTC $ETH