Brothers, today I bring you a new spot opportunity - $ FIGHT.

The current price position is very attractive, and it is currently in the key support area, which is suitable for ambush entry. The $FIGHT project belongs to the emerging Web3+ sports track, combining blockchain and real sports competition, with good growth potential, and the community's popularity has also been rising recently.

You can consider building positions in batches near the current price, and the short-term goal is to see a 30% increase. If there is a follow-up market trend, there may be higher room to look forward to.

Fight's purchase logic:

1. There are currently two fights on the market, one with a market value of 60wu and the other with a market value of 1000wu.

However, sol fight is the first fight, earlier than fight on Ethereum, and is orthodox.

2. The market value is less than 100wu, which is absolutely undervalued.

3. It has already been cto, and the community has also begun to slowly build up, with great potential.

4. The election traffic is good for fight, but fight sol is not a political coin and is not deeply bound to Trump and the US election. The upper limit is high.

#6万保卫战 #9月美国CPI实现6连降 #SCR价格预测 #特朗普当选概率上升