As speculation surrounding the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto continues, Blockstream CEO Adam Back has weighed in, asserting that the anonymity of Bitcoin's creator is beneficial for the cryptocurrency's decentralization. In an interview with Cointelegraph, Back expressed skepticism towards the recent HBO documentary that suggests former Bitcoin Core developer Peter Todd may be Satoshi Nakamoto. "It's very unlikely to be true," Back said. "The creator of the Bitcoin protocol would not have put themselves in a position to be on anyone's radar." Back emphasized the importance of Satoshi Nakamoto's anonymity for Bitcoin's decentralized nature. "It's good that there's no central figure in Bitcoin," he said. "It helps the currency's decentralization." The ongoing mystery surrounding Satoshi Nakamoto's identity has been a subject of fascination within the cryptocurrency community. However, as Back points out, the true identity of Bitcoin's creator is ultimately irrelevant to its success and longevity. By ensuring that no single individual is associated with the creation of Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency remains a decentralized, community-driven project.