Still complaining about the dog dealer's wash? One trick to teach you how to judge and crack it.

As shown in the figure, during this period, have you often seen the trend of mainstream coins going up and down, cutting back and forth long and short positions? Some people call it wash, and some people call it shock. Today I will share some practical insights for this.

I personally think this is a shock market, and the judgment logic is as follows.

For mainstream coins to produce a unilateral market, sufficient funds are needed to pull or smash the market. If there is insufficient funds in the market, it will not be able to get out of the unilateral market, and the price fluctuation range is very small.

The simplest way is to look at the trading volume of Bitcoin spot per minute.

During this period, most of the time, the trading volume per minute was only a few or a dozen Bitcoins, which directly reflected the small amount of funds in the market. Usually, if you want to have a unilateral market, at least the trading volume per minute will not be in the single digit, and it will generally be hundreds of Bitcoins.

Therefore, if there is insufficient funds in the market, the mainstream currency market will continue to fluctuate. Recently, the daily rise and fall of Bitcoin is usually only one percent.

How to crack it? Go long at the support level and go short at the resistance level.

Since there will be no one-sided market, as long as the entry position is appropriate and the position management is proper, counter-trend trading will eventually make a profit.

Wait for more funds in the market, and then look for trend entry. Before that, you can always buy low and sell high to make a profit. There is no need to hold orders in one direction. This may not be difficult.