The bad thing about this field is that it’s so easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others.

I’ve achieved more than I ever thought possible, but I still find myself doing it.

CT embodies survivorship bias perfectly.

This app is full of multi-millionaires showing their profits and losses, and the algorithm rewards them for engagement.

However, understand that this is only the 0.00001% of the population magnified.

Most people here are still struggling, to be honest - this field is tough and requires a fair amount of luck/timing.

Comparison is truly the thief of joy.

But, conversely, it can be a huge motivator if harnessed correctly.

Competition is part of human nature, and a large part of my “success” can be attributed to my inherent competitiveness.

Think of CR7 and Messi. They wouldn’t be as great without each other.

Obviously this is a unique example, but the same logic can be applied to smaller things, such as proving someone wrong, beating an arbitrary number or competitor in the same field.

You just have to make sure that this competition doesn’t diminish the gratitude you feel inside as you climb the ladder.