1. Institutions withdrew, state-owned assets reduced their holdings, debts were repaid, social security made a fortune, banks stopped lending, and supported real industries.

2. Market trends adjusted, and institutional investors relied on their keen insight to plan ahead and withdraw from high positions. The reduction of state-owned assets demonstrated the reasonable guidance of policies on the market and cooled down the overheated market.

3. After the debts are paid off, the financial situation of enterprises is improved and the cash flow is more abundant. The generous returns of the social security fund reflect the stable situation of the economy, but also imply that funds are becoming more cautious.

4. Banks tighten lending and guide funds to core areas of the real economy. Although this will affect stock market liquidity in the short term, it will lay a solid foundation for long-term development.

5. Industries have embarked on a new journey with financial support, but the funds in the stock market have decreased accordingly, which has put certain pressure on the continuation of the bull market.

6. The withdrawal of institutions and state-owned assets may cause anxiety among retail investors. If panic spreads, it may easily lead to market chaos.

7. The high returns of the social security fund indicate that the national team has withdrawn in an orderly manner, indicating that the market has entered a reasonable range and that policy regulation is precise and effective.

8. The adjustment of bank credit policies affects multiple fields, and the capital chain of the entire market is re-arranged, prompting a more rational allocation of resources.

9. The reduction of state-owned assets is aimed at optimizing the investment portfolio, better serving the national economic strategy, and promoting industrial upgrading and innovation.

10. The market's self-repair mechanism has been activated and the bull market will eventually come to an end. Timely adjustments are made to ensure the healthy, stable and sustainable development of the market.

11. The withdrawal of institutions has prompted the market to return to rationality, and investors have re-examined risks and returns and paid more attention to value investment.

12. The reduction of state-owned assets will make room for emerging industries, guide funds to areas with greater potential, and help transform the economic structure.

13. The reduction of debt pressure allows enterprises to invest more energy in research and development and production, injecting new impetus into the development of the real economy.

14. Banks’ prudent attitude towards lending encourages funds to flow to key links in the real economy and improves the efficiency of fund use.

15. The development of industry attracts some capital inflow from the stock market and promotes the healthy interaction between the real economy and the financial market.

16. Retail investors should view market changes rationally, avoid blindly following the trend, and adjust their investment strategies according to their own circumstances.

17. The successful operation of the social security fund reflects the country’s concern and protection for people’s livelihood, and provides support for the stable development of the economy and society.

18. Market adjustment is a process. Investors need to remain patient and calm and wait for new investment opportunities to emerge.

19. Adjustments to bank credit policies can help prevent financial risks and maintain the stability and security of the financial market.

20. The end of this bull market is the inevitable result of market development and also lays the foundation for the next round of economic growth and market prosperity.