Most losses, especially large losses, tend to occur in bull markets rather than bear markets.

In a bear market, you will naturally stay alert and always be in awe of the risks of the market, but in a bull market, people tend to relax, and psychological and financial leverage is invisibly magnified.

Take myself as an example. Since entering this market in 2015, 90% of my income has come from bear markets, not bull markets. The bull market is like a big pot meal that everyone participates in. There is no technical content at all, and it is more of a fool's game.

The bear market is the time to truly test professional ability and reverse thinking. I personally prefer the bear market to the bull market. Why take a greater risk to make the same profit? If I can make 10% if the market rises 30 points, why should I wait for the market to rise 300 points to make this 10%?

So, if you want to make money in a bull market and maintain a balance between risk and return, you should use mainstream currencies and leverage to expand your returns, instead of always waiting for unilateral market conditions. 👉Follow me and start your road to wealth! 🚀