How will the market trend in the evening? Xiao A will analyze it for you!

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NEIROETH’s 1-hour price trend: sideways.


This is a 1-hour K-line chart of Gate NEIROETH/USDT. The latest price is: 0.0557 USDT, including EMA, MACD, KDJ and volume indicators.

【Buy and sell points】

  • Buy point 1: 0.0560 USDT (this price is close to the lows of several hourly periods, and EMA(7) provides support near this point)

  • Buy point 2: 0.0545 USDT (near the lowest price in the recent cycle, there may be strong support)

  • Long stop loss point: 0.0535 USDT (slightly lower than the second buying point, to allow room for market fluctuations and avoid small fluctuations triggering stop losses)

  • Selling point 1: 0.0580 USDT (recent prices have repeatedly tested this area as resistance, and you can consider taking profits after breaking through)

  • Selling point 2: 0.0600 USDT (near the recent high point, if there is enough upward momentum, this position is the potential next resistance level)

  • Short stop loss point: 0.0610 USDT (exceeding the selling point 2, which is the recent high point. If the price continues to rise, it indicates that the trend may change)

【Price trend analysis】

  1. K-line pattern:

    • The recent K-line shows that the price fluctuation is small, and the opening price and closing price are close in most time periods, indicating that the market lacks direction in the short term. A long lower shadow appeared from 06:00 to 07:00 on October 9, suggesting that there is some buying support during this period.

    • The highest price of 0.0645 at 16:00 on October 8 was the highest point during the observation period. After that, the price gradually fell back, and no obvious reversal K-line pattern was seen.

  2. Technical indicators:

    • The averages of DIF and DEA in the MACD indicator are close to the zero axis and the MACD column value is small, indicating that the current trend is not strong and the market is in a volatile state.

    • The J value of the KDJ indicator exceeded 80 in some time periods (such as 13:00 on October 9), indicating that there may be overbought conditions; while in other time periods (such as 06:00 on October 9), the J value was lower than 20, indicating that there may be oversold conditions. Overall, the KDJ indicator fluctuates greatly, but it is difficult to determine a clear trend due to the lack of continuity.

    • The 7-day EMA and 30-day EMA indicators showed a downward crossover, and the short-term moving average fell below the long-term moving average, which is usually regarded as a signal of relatively weak short-term trend.

  3. Volume:

    • The trading volume peaked at 07:00 on October 9, and has since decreased, which is consistent with the scenario of prices falling from high levels.

    • The volume in the latest hours has decreased compared to the previous time period, indicating that the market activity has decreased and the interest of participants may be waning.


SUI's 1-hour price trend: Down.


This is a 1-hour OKX SUI/USDT candlestick chart. The latest price is: 1.8126 USDT. It includes EMA, MACD, KDJ and volume indicators.

【Buy and sell points】

  • Buy point 1: 1.8300 USDT (price is close to EMA(7) and KDJ indicator shows oversold, there may be a rebound)

  • Buy point 2: 1.8100 USDT (lower than the latest price and close to the recent low of 1.8076. If the support is effective, it can be considered as a more conservative buy point)

  • Long stop loss point: 1.8000 USDT (slightly lower than the second buy point and the most recent low, providing enough space to avoid small fluctuations triggering the stop loss)

  • Selling point 1: 1.8600 USDT (above the current price, if there is a rebound to this point, it can be regarded as a short-term profit-taking point)

  • Sell ​​point 2: 1.8800 USDT (close to EMA(30), the medium-term moving average may form resistance, suitable as a target for further profit taking)

  • Short stop loss point: 1.8900 USDT (higher than the second selling point, giving short selling operations a certain market fluctuation space)

【Price trend analysis】

  1. K-line pattern:

    • The recent K-line shows large price fluctuations. There were many long upper shadows and long lower shadows between 08:00 on October 9 and 17:00 on October 10, indicating that there is uncertainty in the market and there is strong competition between buyers and sellers.

    • From 22:00 on October 9 to 02:00 on October 10, the price experienced a rapid decline from a high of 2.05 to a low of 1.8076, and then rebounded. This may be a sign of a "V"-shaped reversal.

  2. Technical indicators:

    • MACD indicator: The latest MACD value is -0.0068, DIF is below DEA and both are below the zero axis. The bearish momentum still exists in the short term, but because the MACD column is close to the zero axis, if the MACD column becomes positive in the future, it may indicate a change in trend.

    • KDJ indicator: The J value is -3.17, which is in the oversold area, while the K value and D value are 17.75 and 28.21 respectively, both of which are below 50, indicating that the market may be overly pessimistic in the short term and there is a possibility of a rebound.

    • EMA indicator: The current price of 1.8126 is lower than EMA (7) of 1.8475 and EMA (30) of 1.8939, indicating that the short-term and medium-term trend is bearish, but it is necessary to pay attention to whether the price will return to EMA.

  3. Volume:

    • The trading volume peaked at 22:00 on October 9 and then began to decrease, along with the price decline, indicating that there may be selling pressure at high levels that caused the price to fall.

    • Trading volume has been relatively stable in recent hours, with no significant increase or decrease in volume. The activity of market participants has remained at a certain level, but it is necessary to be alert to subsequent changes in trading volume to judge the strength of the trend.


OG's 1-hour price trend: Down.


This is a 1-hour Binance OG/USDT candlestick chart. The latest price is: 8.230 USDT. It includes EMA, MACD, KDJ and volume indicators.

【Buy and sell points】

  • Buying point 1: 8.230 USDT (near the current price, considering that the short real negative line in the latest cycle may indicate that more sellers will participate soon, but if it does not fall below this price, it can be regarded as a support level)

  • Buying point 2: 7.950 USDT (A large lower shadow appeared at 06:00 on October 9, indicating that there is strong buying in this price range, which can be used as a more conservative buying point)

  • Long stop loss point: 7.750 USDT (lower than the second buy point, and the low point that failed to fall below after multiple tests from 20:00 on October 8 to 07:00 on October 9, giving enough space to avoid small fluctuations triggering stop loss)

  • Selling point 1: 9,000 USDT (the high point area between 19:00 on October 9 and 01:00 on October 10. If the price rises back to this level, it may encounter selling pressure)

  • Selling point 2: 9.400 USDT (the high point reached at 01:00 on October 9. If it exceeds this price, it means that market sentiment may change, which is suitable as a higher target selling point)

  • Short Stop: 9.500 USDT (slightly above sell point 2, providing extra room for a potential upside breakout)

【Price trend analysis】

  1. K-line pattern:

    • The recent K-line shows that the price fluctuates greatly. A hammer pattern with a long lower shadow appeared from 01:00 to 02:00 on October 9, and then the price rebounded. However, in the latest cycle, the closing price was lower than the opening price, forming a short real negative line, indicating that the seller's pressure has increased.

    • From 16:00 on October 8 to 22:00 on October 9, the price experienced a significant increase, and then gradually fell back, forming a possible top structure.

  2. Technical indicators:

    • In the MACD indicator, DIF fell below DEA, and the MACD histogram was negative and expanded, indicating that the current trend is bearish.

    • The J value in the KDJ indicator has dropped sharply from a high level, and both the K and D lines are on a downward trend, suggesting that the momentum has weakened and may fall further.

    • The 7-day EMA indicator continues to cross below the 30-day EMA, and market sentiment has turned pessimistic in the short term.

  3. Volume:

    • During periods of rapid price increases (such as 01:00 on October 9), trading volume increased, indicating that buyers actively participated in the rising process.

    • As prices have retreated, trading volumes have shrunk in recent cycles, indicating a decline in market activity, which could signal a trend change or consolidation.

※All content is provided by the intelligent analysis assistant Xiao A. All content is for reference only and does not constitute any investment advice!

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