I'm rich! I'm rich! I pledged 1 BNB in ​​the Lista protocol, and then a total of 5 wallets pledged it, with a value of 2900U. If I remember correctly, it should be pledged in a previous protocol. I bought it for more than 200 US dollars at that time. After so long, not a single coin has been hacked. I can only say that Lista is a lifetime bragging.

Why did I check ListaDAO? Because they recently launched a new product clisBNB, I wanted to find out what it was like, and then entered the CDP interface, and saw that there was a lock worth more than 500U. I suggest that you also check the wallet, and don't reject new things, go and learn about them.

This time, Lista's new cilsBNB is rigidly redeemed with BNB 1:1, which can be regarded as a pledge certificate, and can directly borrow other assets, such as lisUSD. It is worth noting that if you borrow lisUSD, you can also get lista's token incentives. In addition, clisBNB cannot be transferred after it is generated. Once the native currency BNB is transferred, it will be automatically destroyed. This technical solution can greatly improve security and prevent theft due to random authorization.

Another layer of logic is that clisBNB can participate in Binance's launchpool at the same time, which will directly allow more BNB to choose to participate in the chain, increase the scale and activity of the underlying assets of BSC and the entire DeFi. After all, BNB is the third largest asset in market value, and this move is of great significance to the entire industry.

Lista will benefit directly. At present, the largest pledge of BNB is slisBNB. With the addition of clisBNB, it will firmly hold the position of the leader of BNB's pledge track. At present, Lista has obvious advantages. It ranks first in the locked position of the LSD track, ranks high in technical development strength, has a good market reputation, and has formed a certain moat. The disadvantage is that it has poor mobility and lacks more innovation.

ListaDAO has a clear future route. First, it will attract more BNB to pledge as the platform's locked assets, and then these derivative assets will enter the BSC ecosystem to participate in DeFi's multi-layer nesting dolls. At the same time, the application scale of lisUSD will grow with the cooperation with other defi protocols, and eventually achieve both the underlying assets and the stablecoin lisUSD.

Another thing worth noting is that clisBNB can be generated through BNB.xyz. Obviously, these are all products that Binance has laid out to connect cex and dex. The latter will focus on this, while Lista is a powerful dex entrance.#ListaDAO将Launchpool收益引入DeFi