Ten principles of the cryptocurrency market, novices should keep in mind!

1. **Popular currencies in the bull market fall quickly**: Those currencies that are hyped up, especially those that are highly controlled, will burst quickly. The more followers there are, the greater the risk. Just like blowing a balloon, if you blow it too big, it will inevitably burst.

2. **The patterns of altcoins are similar**: Usually they fall sharply first, then slowly rise, and then continue to harvest in different ways. This is the operation strategy of altcoins, and investors should be mentally prepared.

3. **The long-term trend of the market is rising**: If you observe the long-term trend, the overall curve of the cryptocurrency market is relatively stable. Short-term ups and downs are the norm, but the long-term trend is usually a slow rise.

4. **Potential currencies are not hyped**: Really potential currencies are often unknown at the bottom and rarely mentioned. On the contrary, those low-key currencies may rise quietly, such as C98 and LEVER.

5. **Be careful with newly launched currencies**: If there is a surge or a plunge in the newly launched currencies on the exchange, it is best not to touch them. This is usually a trap set by the dealer, and once you enter, you may be cut.

6. **Ups and downs are normal**: It is too common in the cryptocurrency market to fall after buying and rise after selling. If investors cannot bear this kind of fluctuation, they need to strengthen their mentality.

7. **The most violent rebound does not mean potential**: The currency with the most violent rebound is often not the most potential, but is hyped up by speculation. Don't be confused by superficial phenomena. The fluctuations of currencies with real potential will be relatively stable.

8. **Sudden pullback may be a signal of shipment**: If the currency you bought suddenly pulls back after a wave of increase, it may be that the dealer has started to ship. Investors should be careful not to be cut.

9. **Coins that may explode in the second half**: In the bull market, currencies that performed generally in the early stage may have several times the explosion in the second half. They are like marathon runners, and they exert their strength in the later stage.

10. **Coins that have been sideways for several months may explode**: In the bull market, some currencies that can still be sideways for several months after experiencing a sharp rise are likely to be waiting for the next wave of explosion. Investors should pay close attention to such currencies.