As the international situation becomes increasingly tense, the development of Sino-US relations has become a core issue of great concern. As a country with absolute voice in the international community, it should bear the responsibilities of a major country in its words and deeds. China has always done so, but the United States, far across the ocean, obviously does not have this awareness.

Tariffs, trade wars, Taiwan Strait issues... In order to discredit China, the United States has also been working hard behind the scenes in the past two years. Seeing China's development getting better and better, the United States' sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger. So they made up their minds and came up with a trick that is unprecedented and will never be repeated!

It is said that science and technology are the primary productive forces, and the development of science and technology is inseparable from professional talents. If the talent is cut off, can China's development be restricted to the greatest extent? With this idea in mind, the Americans came up with a plan. However, they did not know that another storm of struggle between China and the United States was coming!

l Whitewashing the truth: The calm lake hides waves

Sino-US relations have always been a hot topic in the international community. Whether it is ideological conflict or competition for economic development interests, in the eyes of most people, these two powerful countries seem to have no chance of reconciliation. But in fact, in the past few years, we have also seen the dawn of warming relations.

Back then, Huawei's technological breakthrough dealt a heavy blow to the arrogant Americans. Once upon a time, they boasted that their technology was the best in the world, and even if China rushed, it would take several years to catch up. But the Huawei incident made them more vigilant, and they repeatedly restricted the export of chips, which caused their country's manufacturers to lose their main market and suffer heavy losses.

On the surface, they pretended not to care and wanted to control China by controlling imports and exports. However, when the data came out, the United States was slapped in the face by itself - the United States is still the most loyal consumer of Chinese products. No matter how much restrictions they impose, they cannot deny that the US market really cannot do without China's participation.

Perhaps realizing this, the United States began to seek opportunities to ease relations with China. Not only did it frequently send senior government officials to visit China, but it also showed unprecedented friendliness in its attitude toward China. Although it still pursues the style of world policeman in politics, it no longer dares to put on a tough stance on Sino-US trade issues.

After many discussions and countless meetings, many expectations were expressed. Many important leaders have met, but Sino-US trade has still not achieved any substantial results. Why is there no effect after so much effort? Because no matter how much the Americans say, they will never believe it!

On October 8, the Ministry of State Security’s official account released a message that shocked and angered countless readers. The Americans, who pretend to be kind on the surface, actually did this in secret to restrict China!

l Follow the same method: Chilling effect

In order to further their academic studies and improve their professional level, many domestic scholars choose to study in the United States. It is undeniable that some of these scholars, after seeing the "glamorous world", cannot resist the temptation and choose to immigrate overseas. But there are more talents who always care about their motherland and look forward to returning to China every day.

The Americans took advantage of this. It is legal for Chinese scholars to visit and study, but they think that the knowledge was "stolen" by the scholars. It is ridiculous to think that foreigners who have enjoyed the educational resources of the United States should stay in the United States and work for them!

In fact, as early as the 1950s, a group of scholars had been hurt in this way. At that time, the new China was in a state of disrepair. With a sincere heart for the construction of the motherland, scholars boarded a plane to the United States for further studies. Chinese scholars studied very hard and achieved considerable results. But when they wanted to return to China, they encountered unprecedented difficulties.

The most typical example is Qian Xuesen, the father of Chinese space flight. At that time, Qian Xuesen's research on rockets, missiles and other topics had far surpassed that of American space scholars, and he even became a professor at MIT and Caltech. All American scholars were convinced by him, and research institutions also provided him with very generous treatment.

But Qian Xuesen could not let go of New China. In 1950, after seeing the development of science and technology in New China, he resolutely gave up his current comfortable life and wanted to return to his motherland. Seeing such a good talent going to China, the Americans immediately revealed their true colors and sent people to imprison Qian Xuesen.

You know, Qian Xuesen had a very high prestige in the global academic community at that time, and the Americans dared to be so unreasonable. If Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou had not intervened later, Mr. Qian would probably have had difficulty returning to his homeland. However, such an unseemly practice was regarded as a "masterstroke" by Trump, and he repeated it in 2018!

On October 8, the Ministry of State Security’s official account released a message confirming that since 2018, the U.S. Department of Justice has cooperated with the U.S. government to launch a policy called the "China Action Plan" to contain China. Over the past six years, this plan has ruined the careers and even the lives of hundreds of Chinese scholars!

Under the pretext of combating "Chinese spies," they put a large number of innocent Chinese scientists and researchers on the review list. Then they looked for the "right" opportunity to fabricate evidence and motives that did not exist at all, just to accuse them of unwarranted crimes. What exactly has the United States done to restrict China's development?

l Witch Hunt: Storm is Coming

The chilling effect is a common term in judicial decisions and journalism. It refers to the situation when people are afraid to express their opinions in freedom of speech or assembly because they are afraid that their opinions will be severely punished. Just like cicadas in cold weather, they can't make any sound. Chinese scholars under the "witch hunt" are facing such a situation.

Many of them have lived in the United States for a long time and even have stable families and jobs, but they still cannot escape the fate of being controlled by the US government. On the one hand, they try their best to retain talents with generous treatment, but on the other hand, they completely distrust monitoring them with the crime of "espionage". What do the Americans want to do?

The answer is simple: to discredit China. In the past, they tried their best to keep talents here. But now, they have thought of a more advanced way - that is, to label these people who have already changed their nationality as "spies" and discredit China's image, thus stirring up public opinion.

Don't you want to return to China? If you are caught for a crime, you can't blame me for not letting you go! It doesn't matter if you don't want to return to China. I can just charge you with espionage and tell the outside world that China is too unkind and sent people to threaten our national security. There are pros and cons to say. The United States uses such means to illegally curb the development of Chinese technology.

It is really sad that the conflicts between countries have evolved to such a state. Most of these scholars are well-known figures, and they often have great ambitions in their hearts. However, they are persecuted by the US government in this way, which is really sad and regrettable!

The storm intensifies again

After the Ministry of State Security's news came out, the United States probably didn't dare to make a big fuss about it. We don't know where the new storm point of Sino-US relations will be. But we know very well that China's pace of development will never stop!