Buffett, sold again! Nearly 10 billion US dollars sold in 3 months

1. Is Buffett going to hold a "sale"? In three months, he took nearly 10 billion stocks from the shelves of Bank of America just like he was shopping at a supermarket for a big sale. I really don't know how big his shopping cart has to be to hold so many!

2. But don't worry, even with such crazy shopping (oh no, crazy shipping), Berkshire Hathaway still sits firmly in the position of Bank of America's largest shareholder, holding stocks worth about 31.1 billion US dollars. It's like you ate half of the ice cream in the refrigerator, but the rest is still enough to make you the most envied child on the block.

3. What's more interesting is that this legendary figure in the investment industry not only played the "slimming game" in the stock market, but also pressed the slow-motion button for his company's stock repurchase, and accumulated an astonishing 277 billion US dollars in cash. It seems that Mr. Buffett is going to use this huge sum of money to do something big, let's wait and see!