Today's market overview: Global stock markets and the cryptocurrency market fell

The global financial market seems to have fallen into a slump. Whether it is the US stock market, the A-share market or the cryptocurrency market, none of them have escaped the fate of falling. This makes people wonder, where did the funds that were originally active in the market go? Are they really pursuing "big health care" as some jokes say? Of course, this is just a joke, and the flow of funds is much more complicated than this.

In the A-share market, we noticed the dynamics of the top ten brokers buying/selling today. Among them, internationally renowned investment institutions such as UBS, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley all showed large net sales, reaching -7.2 billion, -4.9 billion, and -4.6 billion respectively. At the same time, Barclays, Merrill Lynch, ABN AMRO, etc. followed closely, with net sales exceeding 3 billion. Domestically, brokers such as Wanbang, Guotai Junan, CITIC and CITIC Lyon also saw considerable net sales.

Faced with such market trends, a phenomenon that cannot be ignored is that many retail investors still seem to have illusions about institutions, believing that they can become the "savior" of the market at critical moments. However, judging from today's data, foreign institutions are accelerating their escape, which undoubtedly brings greater uncertainty to the market.

In general, today's market performance undoubtedly sounded the alarm for investors. In the ever-changing stage of the financial market, there are no eternal winners and no absolute saviors. Investors need to remain vigilant at all times and rationally analyze market trends in order to gain a foothold in this challenging environment.

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