🔍 Only 12.7% of Polymarket users (21,730 out of 171,113 wallets) made a profit.

❗️According to Layer Hub, 87.3% of wallets (149,383) did not make a profit.

✍️ Of the profitable wallets:

📖 Most made less than $100.

📖 7,400 wallets made a profit of $100 to $1,000.

📖 2,138 users made more than $1,000.

📖 Despite such results, open interest on Polymarket is ~ 161.1 million.

💬 As a result: given such a small profit for most participants - either everyone is hoping for a jackpot of a successful forecast, and / or, given such a large open interest, someone can manipulate forecasts, creating a majority effect in certain situations.

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