In early 2009, a man named Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin to the world. The value of Bitcoin has soared over the past 15 years, and now has a market value of more than $1 trillion, equivalent to the combined market value of Tesla and JPMorgan Chase. Satoshi Nakamoto also left us with a mystery. Who is this mysterious man who disappeared into the mist of the Internet? Where did his huge Bitcoin fortune go? #你认为PeterTodd是中本聪吗?

So the search for Satoshi Nakamoto began, and now it's Cullen Hoback's turn. His new documentary (Money Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery) aims to unveil Satoshi Nakamoto once and for all. It was originally scheduled to premiere on HBO on October 8. In order to be more authoritative, it interviewed a large number of Bitcoin veterans, which made it credible. However, the ending left everyone with more doubts: Is everyone Satoshi Nakamoto?

HBO pulled a $68 billion joke?

Just this morning, the top American streaming media HBO finally released a documentary about the founder of Bitcoin. In the trailer that whetted the appetite of all cryptocurrency traders, HBO claimed that this film would reveal who Satoshi Nakamoto is. In order to prevent the information from being leaked in advance, Hoback did a lot of confidentiality work in the process of making the documentary. According to the odds of Polymarket, the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is still unknown.

HBO identifies Peter Todd as Satoshi Nakamoto

More than a decade later, HBO gave its own answer, believing that the real identity of Satoshi Nakamoto was Peter Todd.

Regardless of whether you know this name or not, you can tell how abstract this answer is from the odds. Even in the polymarket option bets, there is Musk's name, but not Peter Todd's name. In short, HBO played a big joke and played a big meme.

You should know that on the eve of HBO's upcoming documentary about Satoshi Nakamoto, Peter Todd denied that he was the founder of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto. In an interview, Peter Todd said that the accusations of documentary producer Cullen Hoback were unfounded.

According to the HBO documentary (Electric Money: The Mystery of Bitcoin), Peter Todd, an early Bitcoin developer, is Satoshi Nakamoto. The documentary, directed by Karen Hoback, builds on this speculation through multiple interviews and clues, ultimately focusing on Todd, who seems to be playing along at some points. At the end of the documentary, Todd says in response to a question from Hoback: "Yes, I am Satoshi Nakamoto."

Who is Peter Todd?

Peter Todd is an early Bitcoin Core developer and cryptography consultant who lives in Canada and first submitted code to Bitcoin Core in April 2012. He has been involved in Bitcoin since its early stages and has made important contributions in the areas of security and privacy. Todd is widely known for promoting several key Bitcoin Improvement Proposals and advocating for improving the robustness and security of the Bitcoin network.

Peter's career began in 2008 when he began working as an electronics designer at Gedex Inc. After graduating from OCAD University with a Bachelor of Arts in Integrated Media in 2011, he has been working on the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. Not just Bitcoin, he has been involved in multiple projects in the cryptocurrency industry over the years, including Mastercoin, Dark Wallet, and Chief Scientist at Coinkite. In development, Todd is a security-focused developer, often highlighting potential vulnerabilities and working on solutions to reduce risks.

Todd is also an active member of the community, often sharing his insights on Twitter and has a large number of followers. His tweets cover a range of topics, including new cryptocurrency developments, industry news and events. Todd also often appears at many Bitcoin conferences and events, and many people who have heard his speeches think that Todd is an excellent speaker and host.

7 Reasons Why Peter Todd Is Satoshi Nakamoto

According to db summary report, HBO believes that Peter Todd is Satoshi Nakamoto (he has denied it):

1. In 2010, Todd responded to Satoshi on bitcointalk (using a new account); HBO claimed that he accidentally completed Satoshi’s post from his own account

2. A few days later, both accounts went silent

3. Todd later implemented the “fee replacement” concept discussed in the post

4. Claims that Todd used the pseudonym "John Dillon" to promote RBF

5. Both use British/Canadian spelling

6. Satoshi’s posting schedule is consistent with the student schedule claimed by the documentary, with more posts on weekends

7. Todd discussed “sacrificing” Bitcoin; the document implies this refers to destroying Satoshi’s tokens

Personally, I think it is hard to judge, to be honest. I declare that "everyone is Satoshi Nakamoto", and no one is Satoshi Nakamoto! #PeterTodd否认自己是中本聪

Yourmom token is born

The documentary is a big deal but little done. Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity remains a mystery. After Peter Todd was suspected by HBO to be Satoshi Nakamoto, users joked on the Solana documentary page, “Everyone in the cast is Satoshi Nakamoto.”

The HBO documentary (Money Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery) was made public on an IMDB page that was edited by users to make all the actors appear to be the creators of Bitcoin.

This joke may refer to the "We are all Satoshi Nakamoto" meme. Before the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto was revealed in the documentary, this meme had already gained more attention. Many related MEME coins were created, and a large number of netizens emailed him to ask if he had any pets. A large number of spam messages made him angry, so he responded on Twitter, "I only have one pet, which is your mom." The $yourmom token was derived from this meme. The netizens who were "scolded" were so happy that they derived the $yourmom token based on this meme and continued to hype MEME.

Documentary page was memed by users, "Everyone in the cast is Satoshi Nakamoto"

The HBO documentary (Money Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery) was made public on an IMDB page that was edited by users to make all the actors appear to be the creators of Bitcoin.

The joke may be a reference to the "We are all Satoshi" meme, which gained more traction before the documentary revealed Satoshi's true identity.

According to Cointelegraph, the HBO documentary (Money Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery) was made public on an IMDB page that was edited by users to make all the actors look like the creator of Bitcoin. This joke may be a reference to the "We are all Satoshi Nakamoto" meme, which had gained more attention before the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto was revealed in the documentary. Before the documentary was revealed, the market had once listed American computer scientist Nick Szabo and cryptographer Len Sassaman as candidates for Satoshi Nakamoto. Leaked footage from the documentary appears to identify former Bitcoin developer Peter Todd as Satoshi Nakamoto, who denied it and questioned the producer of the documentary, Cullen Hoback.

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? This mystery that has troubled the world for more than a decade has once again sparked a heated debate because of an HBO documentary. The documentary believes that Bitcoin core developer Peter Todd is Satoshi Nakamoto, but it is worth noting that Todd's name has never appeared in the list of Satoshi Nakamoto candidates among cryptocurrency insiders, and Hoback, as a newcomer in the field, could not have found the inventor of Bitcoin so easily. But most people in the crypto industry do not agree. The unsolved mystery of Satoshi Nakamoto's true identity seems to continue.

No one knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is, and that’s a good thing

The mysterious founder of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, is said to own about 1.1 million Bitcoins, or $68 billion, which is the most unresolved asset in the cryptocurrency world. In the past few years, the discussion about who Satoshi Nakamoto is has never stopped.

I think the most abstract thing is, I don’t know if you still remember the phrase “not your key, not your coin”. When everyone opposed CSW claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto, they just asked him to use Satoshi’s wallet to transfer money. As long as you can transfer money, it is 100% certain that it is impossible. But this documentary doesn’t care about these.

Just like all the top suspense films, Satoshi Nakamoto is always an unknown answer, which is the best solution. Maybe it is him, maybe it is her, maybe it is them, maybe it is everyone. Maybe we have guessed the answer, or maybe we are still not close to the answer. However, it is this mystery that gives Bitcoin a unique vitality.

No one knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is, and this may be the best outcome. The power of Bitcoin does not lie in one person, but in everyone. Each of us is Satoshi Nakamoto, and we are all part of this decentralized revolution and historic experiment. Perhaps we never need to know who Satoshi Nakamoto is. Bitcoin has grown from an idea to a global phenomenon today because it represents much more than a name or an individual. It symbolizes the desire of countless people for financial freedom and privacy, and the power of technology to change the world. $BTC