The moment I understood Bitcoin, I decided not to pay social security anymore! !

Use the money for social security to buy Bitcoin

Two strategies

1. Take out 1,000 yuan every month to invest in Bitcoin, withdraw the money to your wallet once a year, and stick to it for 20 years. This is your pension, and you must not touch it. From the day you retire, sell a part of it every month for living expenses.

2. Buy 240,000 Bitcoins at one time, then withdraw it to your wallet, hide it, and never touch it. From the day you retire, sell a part of it every month for living expenses.

According to the data from the National Social Security Fund Council, the average annual investment return rate of social security since its establishment is 7.66%. If the average annual increase of Bitcoin exceeds 7.66%, it means that the final return will be better than social security.

We use history to predict the high probability of an asset in the future, just like predicting whether a student can go to college.

If this student attends a key city primary school, is in the top ten in the class, and then is admitted to a key junior high school, and is admitted to a key high school with excellent results in the high school entrance examination, then please predict whether it is highly likely or less likely that he will be admitted to a bachelor's degree in the college entrance examination?

Then, the reverse is also true. So, if you can't see the future clearly, then please look at history. If an asset has performed well in the past, it is likely that it will not be bad in the future. For example: Maotai, US stocks, Bitcoin, etc.

Compared with the average annual return of 7.66% of social security, let's let AI count the increase in Bitcoin in the past ten years.

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