How many times can 100,000 RMB multiply in this bull market?

How to deploy funds of about 100,000?

100,000 is the amount of money that most retail investors in the cryptocurrency circle can have. Many people are very confused. With so much money, how can I minimize the risk and maximize the return in the cryptocurrency circle? The following is the advice of the God of Wealth:

First, with funds of about 100,000, I think you should bet on Ethereum, light position or directly give up Bitcoin. The market value of Bitcoin is too large. Even if it flies to the sky, there is only 2 to 3 times of room in this bull market, and there is more room on Ethereum, especially after the Cancun upgrade, the ecology will be further improved and will begin to work.

Second, how to choose altcoins?

Altcoins should choose currencies with large future imagination space and small current growth, such as link, arb, sui, and bnb and sol must also be configured.

Third, detailed suggestions:

①Position configuration: Bitcoin + Ethereum 30%, 10% Bitcoin, 20% Ethereum; altcoins, link 10%, op 5%, sui 5%, bnb 10%, sol 10%; (Of course, except for link, bnb, and sol, other coins can be replaced with the coins we recommend and the ones you like, or reduce the proportion of these three coins, and handle them flexibly)

The remaining 10% is used for short-term; 20% is used for risk reserves.

②Position building strategy: In an uncertain market, daily fixed investment, pause when the market rises sharply, and increase the intensity of bottom-fishing when the market falls sharply. The time is usually about 50 days. Don't rush.

Finally, don't think that 100,000 is too little. The money in the currency circle is earned step by step. Don't change your mentality when you see how much others have earned. Do your best to ensure that your funds double first in this bull market. Survival is the key.

I also plan to layout some tokens that are about to usher in good news, and also look for some coins with long-term potential to hold until the end of the year. Friends who play spot trading can leave a message 1 to get my latest strategy and detailed points!

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