Just noticed that Scroll (Aevo) has been listed on Binance's Launchpool, and the price of $SCR on Aevo remains around $1.6. For this situation, it would be satisfying if it could last until the Token Generation Event (TGE).

This issue of Binance Launchpool adopted the pre-market trading mode for the first time. Unlike the pre-market trading of other exchanges, the trading here is the profit coins participating in Launchpool. It can be foreseen that the profit potential of this issue is quite high.

At present, Binance Launchpool already supports decentralized assets such as clisBNB, slisBNB, etc. The decentralized BNB assets in the Binance Web3 wallet will be included in the Launchpool reward calculation. In addition to Launchpool, Megadrop and HODLer airdrops will also support decentralized BNB assets. These measures show that Binance attaches great importance to decentralized assets.

In order to make the $BNB in ​​hand play a greater role, here is a brief explanation:

1. **Borrowing in ListaDAO**: By pledging BNB, you can obtain the borrowing quota of clisBNB and IisUSD. clisBNB can be used in Binance's new launch activities, while IisUSD can be used for other operations such as LP pools, thereby making better use of BNB.

2. **Distinguishing between slisBNB and clisBNB**:

- clisBNB is a product that allows users to borrow and launch new projects on the chain at the same time, while slisBNB is liquidity pledge.

- clisBNB can be used for borrowing and launching new projects at the same time, but slisBNB can only choose one.

- During the Launchpool event, slisBNB users can only choose to launch new projects or participate in LP, while clisBNB users can launch new projects and have borrowed IisUSD at the same time.

This information helps investors better understand how to use BNB to participate in Binance Launchpool and other decentralized financial activities.